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Albendazole 400mg /Albenza/Zentel - Indications, Contraindications, Caution and Side EffectsAlbendazole tablet cost - recommend you
Anthel 10ml. Eleben 10ml. Acizole mg. Winkill mg. Daz mg. Wocid 10ml. Sennazole mg. Bendaz 10ml.Zantol mg. Emiben mg.
Drug Name : Albendazole
Albendazole is an antihelminthic drug prescribed for treating a variety of parasitic worm infestations such as ascariasis, filariasis or roundworm disease, giardiasis, trichuriasis, pinworm disease, neurocysticercosis, and hydatid disease. Hibend 10ml. Morband 10ml. Raxban 10ml. Albitos mg.