
Does chlorpromazine make you sleepy

May 26,  · Chlorpromazine is prescribed for a variety of unrelated problems. Ask your doctor if you are unsure why it has been prescribed for you. The most common side-effects are feeling drowsy or dizzy, blurred vision and dry mouth. Chlorpromazine may cause your skin to become more sensitive to sunlight than normal. Chlorpromazine can make you sleepy, so don't drive or operate machinery until you know how this medication affects you. Dizziness. This is especially true when you first begin taking chlorpromazine. If chlorpromazine makes you feel lightheaded or dizzy, get up slowly after you've been lying down, and sit for a few minutes before you stand up. Chlorpromazine may make you feel very tired and woozy when you start taking it, and it may affect your eyesight, so you should not ride a bike or .

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Further reading and references. Schizophrenia and other psychoses; to ease agitation and severe restlessness; persistent hiccups; for sickness nausea in palliative care. Pregnancy Chlorpromazine has been used in humans during pregnancy for a long time with no signs of increased risk to you or your unborn baby. If you normally have periods, your doctor should monitor this while you are taking chlorpromazine If you experience any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor. Your doctor should review your progress remarkable, what does it mean to have a compromised email address you this medication at least once a year. When chlorpromazine is used to relieve nervousness before surgery, it is usually taken hours before surgery.

Please note

How chlorpromazine works. Alcohol will increase the chance that you experience side-effects and is unlikely to be recommended for you. The effect of chlorpromazine on nine patients with does chlorpromazine make you sleepy disturbance was investigated.

Chlorpromazine may cause problems for people with certain allergies or intolerances: Chlorpromazine tablets contain lactose and may not be suitable for people who have problems eating some sugars enalapril iupac dairy milk-based products. However, so far, no antipsychotic has been shown to be does chlorpromazine make you sleepy more effective than chlorpromazine in treating schizophrenia with the notable exception of clozapine. You should only take chlorpromazine as agreed with your doctor. When to see your doctor. If you do have to take your medication at school or college, ask your doctor to help you talk to a teacher or school nurse about how best to do this some people prefer to keep a separate supply of medicine at school or college, for instance - your pharmacist can help with that.

I am a young person I am a parent I work with young people.

Does chlorpromazine make you sleepy - rather valuable

I does chlorpromazine make you sleepy a young person I am a parent I work with young people.

How does chlorpromazine make you feel?

How do you handle a boundary violation? Cigarette smoke affects the amount of chlorpromazine in your body. Tablets and liquid can be taken before or after food. We do not store any personal or identifiable data. If you do have to take your medication at school or college, ask your doctor to help you talk to a teacher or school nurse about how best to do this some people prefer to keep a separate supply of medicine at school or does chlorpromazine make you sleepy, for instance - your pharmacist can help with that.

Important : if you experience symptoms such as muscle stiffness, a very high temperature, feeling confused, a fast heartbeat and sweating, you should contact your doctor immediately. Please note.

These may be bacteria, glucose, or amino acids. Chlorpromazine can affect your fertility.


Discontinue treatment when the infusion is completed. You may be asked to lie down for a short time after you receive a chlorpromazine injection. Is chlorpromazine used for anxiety? Frequently asked questions.

Alcohol will increase the chance that you experience side-effects and is unlikely to be recommended for you. Secondly, when should I take chlorpromazine?

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