Advantages of parliamentary system -

Advantages of parliamentary system advantages of parliamentary system advantages of parliamentary system

The country initially had a parliamentary form of government, it shifted to a presidential one with the constitution but later reverted back to a parliamentary one according to the current constitution. However, the various amendments and modifications to the constitutional provisions carried out by political leaders over the aadvantages have left a democratic, parliamentary government only in paper.

advantages of parliamentary system

The question that this paper, thus, attempts to answer is that, is a pure parliamentary form of government suitable for Pakistan? To find a proper conclusion to the aforementioned question, the essay will explore the shortfalls of the current system and compare the two forms of government i.

Parliamentary and Presidential, in order to suggest the better suited government structures of the two. While the arguments for Parliamentary and Presidential forms of governments may draw inspiration from their practical application in India and advantages of parliamentary system but these examples will be implied and not necessarily always mentioned explicitly.

A Presidential System For A Parliamentary System

The research for this paper comprised primarily of review of works by established professionals and academics in the field. Most of the research was limited to consultation of print and online sources for access to published material on the relevant topic. The starting point of analysis was advantages of parliamentary system examination of the text containing reviews of the current system of government structure in Pakistan, its flaws and the eventual inefficiencies it has led to. Various journal articles and books were consulted for a variety of perspectives on the debate regarding the suitable system of government for Pakistan. Along with consultation of material for analysis of government structure of various countries, especially India and the South Asian region in particular, online journals were looked upon for comparative perspectives on the suitable government structure and their merits and demerits. Although the research is limited to a select few academics and professionals in the field, it allows for a sample of the general prevalent views on the issue since both the enlightenment was also of the debate have been looked at.

A large majority of literature on the topic is either about the shortfalls of the advantages of parliamentary system mixed government of Pakistan or it highlights how the presidential system of government is better suited for the country. What is needed, however, is a detailed comparison of the two systems and not just analysis of any one of the systems with regards to Pakistan. Material by foreign academics and professionals looks at the Pakistani political system in comparison to their own and focuses on the inadequacies of the Pakistani system.

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The following reviewed literature comprises of a small sample of previously conducted study and analyses on the subject under discussion. Regarding the constitution, the author Sayeed, was of the view that the constitution severely curtailed the powers of the parliament and reduced the advantages of parliamentary system to a distorted version of a presidential government.

The author provided a favorable opinion about the parliamentary form of government, provided that it is actually in its truly democratic form Sayeed,pp. Although the author has given his opinion with support through illustrative historical examples but the author has foot care cna to advatnages, explicitly, the merits or demerits of either of the systems of government and his clear choice of the either of the two. The author parlia,entary sounded alarms regarding the high centralization of the government in Pakistan throughout the years ever since its independence.

The author has said that this should be countered since a weaker leadership can, and has shown in actuality, the perils of a weak decision-making power in times of need Sharan,pp. Pashapp.]

One thought on “Advantages of parliamentary system

  1. Sure version :)

  2. Not your business!

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