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Shia Islam has a long pedigree in Egypt. Fatimids ruled Egypt for years and shaped its identity. They also established the famous al-Azhar University in AD in Cairo as a university, founded in order to spread knowledge throughout the world; the university exists to this day and is one of the oldest universities in the world. Al-Azhar was originally a Shia university. Even today, Egypt remains a country with strong Shia ties. Egyptian Sunnis especially followers of Sufi denominations visit revered Shia shrines and mosques dedicated to Hussein, Hasan, Zainab, Ali, and other Shia Imams, and unwittingly incorporate Shia practices into their traditions and funerary rites. The number of Shia in Egypt is growing, and there have been several cases of Sunnis converting to Shiism. While Shia activists claim the number exceeds one million, the government say there are only a few thousand. According to Brian Whitaker , in Egypt, the small Shia population is harassed by the authorities and treated with suspicion, being arrested - ostensibly for security reasons - but then being subjected to torrents of abuse by state security officers for their religious beliefs. Police forcibly removed the Shia worshippers from the mosque after Salafi groups accused them of performing barbaric rituals. current egyptian culture

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The Romani are widely known in English by the exonym Gypsies or Gipsies , which is considered by some Roma people to be pejorative due to its connotations of illegality and irregularity. Linguistic and genetic evidence suggest that the Romani as a people originated from the northern Indian subcontinent. The Romani arrived in West Asia and Europe around Since the 19th century, some Romani have also migrated to the Americas. There are an estimated one million Roma in the United States ; [6] and , in Brazil , most of whose ancestors emigrated in the 19th century from Eastern Europe. Brazil also includes a notable Romani community descended from people deported by the Portuguese Empire during the Portuguese Inquisition. The Romani language is divided into several dialects which together have an estimated number of speakers of more than two million.

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Sufi orders tariqa trace most of their original precepts from Muhammad through Ali ibn Abi Talibwith the notable exception of the Naqshbandi order, who trace their original precepts to Muhammad through Abu Bakr. Although the overwhelming majority of Sufis, both pre-modern and modern, were and are adherents of Sunni Islam also developed certain strands of Sufi practice within the ambit of Shia Islam during the late medieval period, particularly after the Safavid conversion of Iran from majority Sunni to Shia.

Although Sufis were opposed to dry legalism, they strictly observed Islamic law and belonged to various schools of Islamic jurisprudence current egyptian culture wgyptian. Sufis have been characterized by their asceticismespecially by their attachment to dhikrthe practice of remembrance of God, often performed after prayers.

current egyptian culture

Despite a relative decline of Sufi orders in the modern era and criticism of some aspects of Sufism by modernist thinkers and conservative CultuteSufism has continued to play an important role in the Islamic world, and has also influenced various forms of spirituality in the West. The Arabic word tasawwuf lit. Many other terms that described particular spiritual qualities and roles were used current egyptian culture in more practical contexts.

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Some modern scholars have used other definitions of Sufism such as "intensification of Islamic faith and practice" [24] and "process of realizing ethical and spiritual ideals". The term Sufism was originally introduced into European languages in the 18th current egyptian culture by Orientalist scholars, who viewed it mainly as an intellectual doctrine and literary tradition at variance with what they saw as sterile monotheism of Islam. In modern scholarly usage the term serves to describe a wide range of social, cultural, political and religious phenomena associated with Sufis. These two explanations were combined by the Sufi current egyptian culture d. These men and women who sat at al-Masjid an-Nabawi are considered by some egyptixn be the first Sufis.

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Sufism existed as an individual inner practice of Muslims since early Islamic history. Egypgian the earliest figures of Sufism are Muhammad crurent and his companions Sahabah. By pledging allegiance to Muhammad, the Sahabah had committed themselves to the service of God. It is through Muhammad that Sufis aim to learn about, understand and connect with God. Such a concept may be understood by the hadithwhich Sufis regard to be authentic, in which Muhammad said, "I am the city of knowledge, and Ali is its gate. Historian Jonathan A. Brown notes that during the lifetime of Muhammad, some companions were more inclined than others to "intensive devotion, pious abstemiousness and pondering the divine mysteries" more than Islam required, such as Click Dharr al-Ghifari.

Hasan al-Basria tabi ', is considered a current egyptian culture figure" in the "science of purifying the heart". Practitioners of Sufism hold that in its stages of development Sufism effectively referred to nothing more than the internalization of Islam. Modern academics and scholars have rejected early Orientalist theories asserting a non-Islamic origin of Sufism; [16] the consensus is current egyptian culture it emerged in Western Asia. Many have asserted Sufism to be unique within the confines of the Islamic religion, and contend that Sufism developed from people like Bayazid Bastami egyptiam, who, in current egyptian culture utmost reverence to the sunnahrefused to eat a watermelon because he did not find any proof that Muhammad ever ate it.

Over the years, Sufi orders have influenced and been adopted by various Shi'i movements, especially Isma'ilismwhich led to the Safaviyya order's conversion to Shia Islam from Sunni Islam and the spread of Twelverism throughout Iran.

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Existing in both Sunni and Shia Islam, Sufism is not a distinct sect, as is sometimes erroneously assumed, but a method of approaching or a way of understanding the religion, which strives to take the regular practice of the religion to the "supererogatory level" through simultaneously "fulfilling As a mystic and ascetic aspect of Islam, it is considered as the part of Islamic teaching that deals with the purification of the inner self. By focusing on the more spiritual aspects of religion, Sufis strive to obtain direct experience of God by making use current egyptian culture "intuitive and emotional faculties" that one must be trained to use.

current egyptian culture

Ibn Taymiyya's Sufi inclinations and his reverence for Sufis like Abdul-Qadir Gilani can also be seen in his hundred-page commentary on Futuh al-ghaybcovering only five of the seventy-eight sermons of the book, but showing that he considered tasawwuf essential within the life of the Islamic community.]

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