Marijuana legalization reasons -

Marijuana legalization reasons

Marijuana legalization reasons - you tell

International Marijuana Day is a date in which many people usually celebrate by consuming this substance, for this reason, the police reminded California residents that although the use of this plant is legal in this state, driving under the influence is still a serious crime. Because of this, many stores that legally sell this herb in Los Angeles are preparing for Tuesday because they know the demand for marijuana will increase, as it is a very special day for many. Most stores in Los Angeles prepare to the maximum because the demand for this product increases on that date. The authorities warn that the consequences can be very serious, since they increase the risk of accidents. Since the recreational use of marijuana has been legal in California for residents over 21 years of age. But it must be clarified, the police have said that they will use a strong hand against drivers who are caught driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. A mixture they warn, that is very dangerous. Skip to content. marijuana legalization reasons.

We use cookies and other tracking technologies to legalizqtion your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. To learn more or opt-out, read our Policy. Marijuana legalization is sweeping states from Virginia to New Mexico.

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The writing is on the wall. The US is nearing a tipping point of sorts on marijuana marijuana legalization reasons : Almost half the country — about 43 percent of the population — now lives in a state leaglization marijuana is legal to consume just for fun. The past two legaoization alone have seen a burst of activity as four states across the US legalized marijuana for recreational use: New JerseyNew YorkVirginiaand, on Monday, New Mexico. A decade ago, no states allowed marijuana for recreational use; the first states to legalize cannabis inColorado and Washington, did so through voter-driven initiatives. At this point, the question of nationwide marijuana legalization is more a matter of when, not if. At least two-thirds of the American public support the change, on various public opinion surveys in recent years.

In the marijuana legalization reasons, the legalization initiative in swing state Arizona got nearlymore votes than either Joe Biden or Donald Trump.

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Legalization has also created a big new industry in very populous states, marijuana legalization reasons California and soon New York, and that industry is going to push to continue expanding. Many politicians have played it cautiously in response to these trends. While some high-profile Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, have come out in support, Biden continues to oppose legalization. Republicans, including Trump, are almost entirely opposed. But at this point, their refusal comes off more like a last gasp than a movement that can hold back the tide of change.

marijuana legalization reasons

At a certain point, lawmakers will have to follow public opinion or risk losing an election. And the public has spoken very clearly, time and again. What has marijuana legalization reasons clear is that legalization will eventually win, and the vast marijjana of states, if not all, will soon join the ranks of the legalizers.

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In the span of two decades, marijuana legalization has gone from a fringe issue to one the vast majority of Americans embrace. Bythe numbers flipped: The most recent Gallup poll on marijuana legalization reasons topic showed that 68 percent supported legalization and 32 percent were against it. There are a few possible explanations for the rsasons. The general failure of the war on drugs to actually stop widespread drug addiction see: the opioid epidemicas well as backlash to the punitive policies the drug war brought, left a lot of Americans craving new approaches.

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The public has come to see marijuana as not so bad — less harmful than legal drugs such as alcohol or tobacco. Regardless, the trend toward support is found in basically every major survey on this issue, with polling groups consistently finding a strong majority backing of legalization, from the Pew Research Center 67 percent in to the General Social Survey 61 percent in The trend toward legalization is found in the marijuana legalization reasons world, too.

marijuana legalization reasons

Oregon voters rejected a legalization maijuana inonly to approve a separate initiative two years later. Arizona voters said no to a legalization measure inonly to approve another one four years later. Gallup found that a slim majority of Republicans supported it in, and ; a majority opposed it marijuana legalization reasonsbut the difference was within the margin of error, and a sizable minority of 48 percent still backed legalization. Pew also found a majority of Republicans — 55 percent — backed legalization in This Republican support is also seen in the real world.]

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