Should violent video games be banned -

Should violent video games be banned

Should violent video games be banned Video

They Want To Ban Violent Video Games should violent video games be banned

As for Nixon, the phone technology brings more worries and anxiety than it does comfort of reaching a loved one.

Violent video games should not be banned essay

Nixon tells the story about how seven people went to New for a two-day trek to a remote area of the South island. They all had smartphones, but only for three hours and then they found themselves with no cell service, but the minute they got back in range their cell phones were beeping and singing with text messages from back home. Back in the s, it was a period of rapid social change; Americans relied on postal service or snail mail for news vireo their loved ones. As opposed to today Americans are a phone call and a text away.

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She talks about how cell technology is moving around efficiently and in your car. There were no more fights between the co-pilot and driver as the passenger would hold the map up trying to find which way you should go.

should violent video games be banned

Even though they also had GPS people would still argue when it would give directions. It would also sometimes give the wrong directions sending Nixon into a construction hole. This also proved that smartphone technology made us less proficient in the use of any navigation technology. Even technology like violent video games are corrupting the world with anger and should be banned because their addictive, risk of aggressive behavior, and promotes sexual conduct. First, playing violent video games changes brain functions and can be addictive.

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Violent video games can be addicting like drugs. Kids and adolescents brains are ordinarily powerless to addictions as their minds are a work in progress. According to nydailynews. Secondly, Video games are known for violent behavior but also is linked to aggression. According to usatoday. In Germany, an year-old gunman killed nine people in July and was a fan of shooting video games, according to cnn.

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There is a video game rating system intended to keep minors from playing games with inappropriate substance. Without your consent, your child could be viewing violent and sexual video games. Video streaming websites like YouTube allow kids access to other individuals playing vicious and sexual video games. Aside from the violence and sexual content of the video game streamers your children watches may utilize bad language or take part in inappropriate behaviors on camera.

In Conclusion, Nixon explains how technology changed us for the better and for the worse.

should violent video games be banned

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  1. Do not pay attention!

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