Solution to land pollution -

Solution to land pollution solution to land pollution

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Humans are destroying a beautiful, living resource. Time is running out for the biodiversity of life that inhabits our planet and for our quality of life. We are dependent on the health of our planet and if it continues to decline, as it has over the past century, then human health and wellbeing will decline as well. The window of opportunity for us to organise globally to create a sustainable society is open - but it is closing.

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The time to act is now! The Information for Action website is a powerful tool for internet activism or cyber activism. We invite you to make full use of all our resources to lobby politicians and business leaders. You can make polllution difference for the environmental issues you are concerned about.

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Choose from any of the following subjects: air pollution, antibiotics, conservation of biodiversity and habitats, greenhouse gasses and climate change, chemicals and human health, consumption, corporate responsibility, eco-taxation, fishing, food, conserving specific forests Amazon, Congo, PNG, Russia and Australia and forests in general, genetic engineering, globalisation, land pollution, natural resources, nuclear energy, oceans, solution to land pollution spills, ozone, pesticides, population growth, poverty, rainforest, roads and transport in general, salinity, seagrass meadows, soil erosion, solar power, sustainability and development, trade, urbanisation, waste management, water pollution, wetlands, wind pollytion, world debt, and war and weapons. An easy to use automated lobbying serviceallowing you to quickly send emails, letters or faxes to politicians and business leaders all over the world.

An educational resource explaining the environmental issues, using words, images, maps, graphs, links, and offering solutions and a 'What you can do' section.

solution to land pollution

Click on 'Select a Subject' to the left, and you will be taken to the information. Click on country where you live or would like to lobby and you will be taken to the form. Click on the title of a politician or business leader in the list to load their contact details and a letter into the form. Then add your own contact details and send it. Cartoon of the Month - August Information for Action.

solution to land pollution

Home Page. Search Databases. Eco Quiz. Fun Pages. Kids Website. Chemicals Website. Green Ideas. Site Help.]

solution to land pollution

One thought on “Solution to land pollution

  1. Useful idea

  2. Look at me!

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