Impact of industrial revolution -

Impact of industrial revolution - that

The Industrial Revolution highlighted a crucial turning point when it comes to our relationship with the environment and the way we should protect it from climate change. The impacts of the industrial revolution started to surface in the early s, at about years after it had started. The effects of the industrial revolution ranged from energy sanitation and usage, public health, the impact of natural resources, social improvements, health and life longevity as well as human development. In the mids, the manual labor was replaced by machinery and fossil fuels replaced natural energy sources like wood, water, and wind. In this way, they were able to develop iron while also producing textiles. These changes do not seize to follow us up to present day. We can still feel the impacts of the Industrial Revolution even nowadays.

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Impact of Industrial Revolution impact of industrial revolution

Ramsay Muir observes that the Industrial Revolution was completed peacefully. It brought about many important changes in the social, economic and political life of the people of England. The following were the important impacts of the Industrial Revolution.

The global population has significantly increased

The Renaissance which occurred at the beginning of impact of industrial revolution modern age in Europe initiated a new era by strengthening the middle-class values; even then, the middle-class could not exhibit its power in society for a long time. The Industrial Revolution expressed the power of the middle-class.

The influence of scientists, skilled artisans and managers increased. If the French Revolution propagated the notions of personal liberty and equality, the Industrial Revolution of England made the creative use of personal liberty possible. The growing power of workers after the Industrial Revolution kindled social awareness which prompted people to raise the demand for human respect and fundamental rights.

Impact Of Industrial Revolution On The American Colonies

Industrial Revolution galvanized the process of urbanization. It also resulted in large-scale migration to these urban centres. The population in urban centres swelled up without industriap facilities to accommodate the population. The rise in cities was accompanied by the growth of slums. The workers in the cities were compelled to live and work in substandard and subhuman conditions. The factory owners were only interested in making high profits.

Smog also brought a serious of respiratory diseases

Due to inadequate facilities and improper living conditions, workers became vulnerable to various epidemics and impact of industrial revolution they often died a premature death. The extremely low wages paid by the factory epic rap dr seuss made it difficult for them to make both ends meet.

As a consequence, they were often obliged send their women and children to factories, where they worked on extremely low wages. The industrialists preferred women and children also because they were easy to manage. It changed the standard of living of the people as they began to use the articles manufactured in the factories. The increase in the daily needs of the people had marred the independent life of an individual. Thus, we see that whereas the capitalists were benefited from the Industrial Revolution, the general masses grew very poor.

The economic condition of England was tremendously changed as a result of the Industrial Revolution. So far, England was regarded as an agricultural country but this revolution made her a great industrial country and various industries impact of industrial revolution established in England. It led to the decline of small-scale industries and capitalists monopolised the entire industries. It increased the national wealth which enabled England to meet the requirements of her rising population and to bear the burden of French wars. The invention of machines threw a large number of workers out of job and the problem of unemployment created distress among them. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, there was no such sharp contrast among the people of different classes, as arose afterwards. Thus, an unbridgeable gulf impact of industrial revolution created between the capitalists and labourers.

Till the middle of the 18th century, only landlords dominated the British Parliament. The new class generated by the Industrial Revolution did not tolerate the predominance of landlords in politics as well as in the parliament. Consequently, people started raising the demand that the right of sending representatives to parliament should also be granted to the new cities. It is noteworthy that the industrial centres which developed with the factory system did not have representation in the British Parliament. In the beginning, landlords opposed the demand raised by the middle-class for parliamentary reforms. But the demand for parliamentary reforms became too intense to disregard. A lot of parliamentary reforms were carried out in the 19th century in England. Inthe government had to sanction voting rights to the urban workers and into the rural workers.]

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