Saul has unintelligible speech that interferes with communication. saul has a -

Saul has unintelligible speech that interferes with communication. saul has a saul has unintelligible speech that interferes with communication. saul has a

No hatemongering We will remove any post or comment that argues that an entire religion or cultural group commits actions or holds beliefs that would cause reasonable people to consider violence justified against the group. Be Civil All Posts and comments must not attack individuals or groups. We will remove posts and comments that show disdain or scorn towards individuals or groups. While we understand that things can get heated, it is better for the quality of debate for people to combat arguments and not the saul has unintelligible speech that interferes with communication.

saul has a making them. Thesis Statement and Argument All Posts must include a thesis statement as either the title or as the first sentence in the post. All posts must contain an argument supporting that thesis. An argument is not just a claim. This rule also means you cannot just post links to blogs or videos or articles—you must argue for your position in your own words. The spirit of this more info also applies to comments: we will remove comments that contain mere claims without argumentation.

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saul has unintelligible speech that interferes with communication. saul has a

We encourage posters to appropriately address their submissions, thus identifying their target audience. All users are free to respond to top-level comments. We want to group all the feedback into one weekly thread. It is easier for us to act on. Top-level comments in Pilate Program threads without appropriate flair will be removed by automoderator. Theists: Your flair must reflect your religion. Atheists: AM does not recognize "agnostic" as a form of atheism, but will recognize "Agnostic atheist".

saul has unintelligible speech that interferes with communication. saul has a

Please contact the moderation team via modmail if you encounter any issues with the flair system. What I would believe about morality if I was an atheist self.

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Lately on this sub, at least click here the comments, I've seen and participated in a lot of discussion in this thread on the subject of morality. It got me thinking about how secularism can provide someone with foundation for objective morality. I'll admit, the answers I've gotten have been extremely underwhelming, so I wanted to reach out in a post and get everyone's thoughts. I tried to think through the concept of morality from an atheist standpoint, trying to follow the line of reasoning to it's logical conclusion.

I'd like offer it for your critique:. Humans have an odd tendency to see themselves as either the protagonists or the antagonists to nature, but a true naturalist should see the absurdity in this. Anything that happens to humans or through humans must essentially be considered natural.

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Human feelings, emotions, and thoughts are chemical events that occur in space and time and are made of matter. As material events, they are as much a product of the big bang as galaxies. They are every bit as dependent on the hot, dense beginning of the universe as our solar system.]

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