Tuberculosis causes -

Tuberculosis causes - reserve, neither

Tuberculosis, or TB, has been around for a long time — the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates wrote about it, and TB germs have been found in Egyptian mummies and in bones dating back 5, years. In the days before antibiotics, TB patients would go to sanitariums for rest and fresh air. Since the discovery of antibiotics, TB rates have declined dramatically but the disease is still a major health problem around the world, causing some 1. Today, nearly one out of three people worldwide is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes TB. In the U. An estimated 11 million healthy Americans are infected with the TB bacterium, and about 10 percent will develop the disease at some point in their lives. In fact, estimates show that only one quarter of people infected with TB in this country have even been diagnosed. tuberculosis causes

Tuberculosis causes Video

What makes tuberculosis (TB) the world's most infectious killer? - Melvin Sanicas

After analysing African genomes in an article published in the journal Microbial Genomics, he concludes that the new lineage, named L9, is located mainly in the eastern part of the continent.

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Tuberculosis causes goal of this research was to expand the information on the genetics, tuberculosis causes and evolutionary history of M. This bacterium was the cause of more deaths than any other infectious disease until SARS-CoV-2 appeared and tuberculosis causes among the top ten causes of death worldwide, especially in Sub-Saharan Tuberculosus.

In this area, causfs most widespread lineages that cause this disease are lineage 5 L5 and lineage 6 L6of which there is still not judiciary case search information compared to the more widespread lineages in Europe, North America and Asia. The novelty of the research, in which Paula Ruiz has also participated on behalf of I2SysBio, is that, in addition to the expected lineages 5 and 6 of M. This new variant, which they suggest calling Lineage 9 L9is present only in samples originating from East Africa, while the vast majority of L5 and L6 genomes came from West Africa and Central Africa. She states:. Another objective of the research has been to use the genome to infer the resistance of the L5 sublineage to some antibiotics, an aspect that had been shown in previous studies with smaller and less diverse data sets, but which has not been confirmed with larger amounts of data.

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Coscolla, M. Microbial Genomics. Sign up to get it sent directly to your inbox. No Maybe Later. Sign in. Log into your account. Forgot your password? Password recovery. Recover your password. Get help.

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