Organisms may not be able to grow with these essential enzymes deactivated.
In aerobic respiration, the pyruvate generated from glycolysis is converted to acetyl-CoA. This is then broken down via the TCA cycle and electron transport chain.
Anaerobic respiration differs from aerobic respiration in that it uses an electron acceptor other than oxygen in the electron transport chain. Examples of alternative electron acceptors include sulfatenitrateironmanganesemercuryand carbon monoxide.
Numerous fermentation pathways exist e. This is observable when facultative anaerobes are cultured in thioglycolate broth.
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Clostridium species are endospore -forming bacteria, and can survive in atmospheric concentrations of oxygen in this dormant form. The remaining bacteria listed do not form endospores. These organisms are also remarkable for eating rocks such as pyrite as their regular food source.]
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