Bowlby stages of attachment -

Bowlby stages of attachment - amusing

Summary: Attachment theory emphasizes the importance of a secure and trusting mother-infant bond on development and well-being. Keywords: maternal deprivation, internal working model, strange situation, attachment styles. Attachment is described as a long lasting psychological connection with a meaningful person that causes pleasure while interacting and soothes in times of stress. The quality of attachment has a critical effect on development, and has been linked to various aspects of positive functioning, such as psychological well-being [1]. Bowlby began his journey to attachment theory through research he conducted on child delinquents and hospitalized children. Bowlby believed that children have an innate need to develop a close relationship with one main figure, usually the mother. When this does not occur, it has negative consequences on development, causing a decline in intelligence, depression, aggression, delinquency, and affectionless psychopathy a situation in which one is not concerned about the feelings of others [2]. Following the above conclusions regarding maternal deprivation, Bowlby sought to develop a theory which would support and explain his results. bowlby stages of attachment Bowlby stages of attachment

Bowlby stages of attachment Video

Child separation and reunions with parents during hospitalization. 1960s psychological study

The attachment theory is selected in this review as it details the dynamics involved in long-term relationships between people. It is crucial to understanding the various personalities impacting emotional relationships. The theory selection will help explain why some people have problems forming lasting relationships that were developed during childhood Hutchison, The theory is the work of both Mary Ainsworth and John Bowlby, where they stress the need for attachment to self-improvement.

Before We Can Look at The Types of Attachment Firstly, We Need To Discuss, What is Attachment?

In their work, they observed that attachment in a human being results from the formation of close bonds between a child and its caregiver, especially the mother, which is most bowlby stages of attachment during times of threat or stress that leads to increasing the chances of survival through ensuring protection and parental caregiving Hutchison, Hence, they are responsible for the differences observed emerging in individuals during the various developmental stages. It states that the behaviors shown by babies and caregivers are an indistinctive and innate part necessary in forming an attachment with people Van Rosmalen et al. Additionally, form attachments enable infants to explore their nearby environment with the knowledge that there is a secure base for protection. Besides, the link in early relationships with caregivers is crucial in permitting models to be established that determine future relationships while also facilitating future psychological adaptation Van Rosmalen et al.

Therefore, if a person experiences a poor early attachment due to experiencing an unfruitful psychological adjustment bowlby stages of attachment their life, it may result in developing psychopathological behavior. The attachment theory triggers thoughts of all cochlear implant essay someone urban setting for families: emotionally rich interactions that express emotions and mutual exchange, displaying emotions in weird situations indicative of attachment quality. The main challenge is that its claim of universality is not true.

People adapt according to the existing situations and are inconsistent with acknowledged cultural variability Hutchison, Thus, it shows that assessment procedures depending on Western culture and values are unsuitable outside their cultural territory. The theory stretches thinking in matters concerning diversity issues as families from diverse backgrounds all have varying ways of expressing emotions. Attachment networks in conservative settings such as in rural or religious gatherings are based on social obligations and convections where emotional expression is regarded as disturbing Van Rosmalen et al. Therefore, the care practices in different communities are delicately adapted to the social history and the surrounding environmental conditions of any given community.

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The essence of attachment theory for social workers is that it helps them assess the existing relationship with their caregiver, giving important clues as to whether a child is being treated fairly. The attachment characteristics shown are crucial to social workers to collect useful information that can be analyzed and later assessed, providing them with tools for proper decision-making processes. Social workers can find a support system for parents or caregivers with parenting styles deemed not socially acceptable. Hence, this entails learning bowlby stages of attachment children can be responsible and responsive to caregivers or bowlby stages of attachment that maintain family units by attachmeent the number of looked-after kids. Consequently, the theory is crucial in guiding social workers when working within an attachment bowlyb of view to analyze, plan, and even direct their work with caregivers, parents, and children.

The theory guides on the ways by the social worker within the attachment to examine the needs of a kid, plus their behavioral and psychological development Keller, The knowledge is crucial in guiding the planning process, mostly in urban settings. Therefore, it entails the placement of children with people they are most comfortable with as it emphasizes that children be placed with suitable parenting figures. The attachment theory has added significantly to understand child development stages and behaviors that have greatly added to child development and growth. However, it has major weaknesses associated with it.

bowlby stages of attachment

Hence, the feminist movements would state and hold that this theory is gender-biased and oppressive. However, it is challenging to recognize the relevant qualities of child attachment, considering that the mother-child attachment observations are based on a few minutes of reaction and behavior.

bowlby stages of attachment

Besides, the same concepts may not give equal anxiety levels to every child Thompson et al. Additionally, children are unique and distinct individuals who have dissimilar experiences and Thus, child development should be accounted for and analyzed on an individual basis.

Equally, challenges may arise in implementing these procedures to children from different backgrounds, cultural norms, and values beliefs Van Rosmalen et al.

Table 3.2 Some Common Infant Reflexes

Notably, different cultures have different beliefs as young children in some cultural backgrounds are left under someone else, such as relatives or foster parents, for a while as training bowlby stages of attachment independence. Still, in culture, a greater emphasis is identified on nurturing and maintaining relationships. Therefore, the theoretical, conceptual models fail to consider that brothers, sisters, uncles, and aunts provide the motherly roles in certain beliefs and cultures. Hence, the children form several good off with the immediate family members that assist them in development phases and later help the children in life.

It does click put considerations to other caregivers.]

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