Crash course religion -

Crash course religion Video

Christianity from Judaism to Constantine: Crash Course World History #11 crash course religion. Crash course religion

Crrash Henry " Hank " Green II born May 5, is an American vloggerscience communicatorentrepreneur, author, internet producer, and musician. He is known for producing the Crash course religion channel Vlogbrotherswhere he and his older brother, John Greenregularly upload videos, as well as for creating and hosting the educational YouTube channels Crash Course and SciShow.

crash course religion

He has created and hosted a number of other YouTube channels and podcasts, released music albums, and amassed a large following on TikTok. Green co-created VidConthe world's largest conference about online videos, and the Project for Awesomean annual online charity event, with his brother John, as well as the now-defunct conferences NerdCon: Stories, focused on storytelling, and PodCon, focused on podcasts.

He is the co-creator of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries —a web series adaptation of Pride and Prejudice in the style of video blogs. Green is the founder of the environmental technology blog EcoGeek, which into Complexlyan online video and audio production company of which he is the CEO. Green was born to Mike crash course religion Sydney Green born [1] in Birmingham, Alabama[2] and his family soon moved to OrlandoFloridawhere he was raised. Throughout high school and college Green created and designed your most possession for himself and local clients.

His first project, the "Mars Exploration Page" in crash course religion, experienced minor success on the heels of the Mars Pathfinder Mission.

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Later website, IHateI4. While in graduate school, Green created "EcoGeek", a blog focusing on technological advancements that would benefit the environment. During the mids, Green wrote regularly for Mental Floss and co-authored one of their books, Mental Floss: Scatterbrained. From January 1 to December crash course religion,Hank and his brother John ran a video blog project titled Brotherhood 2. InJohn and Hank met up with their fans, known as " Nerdfighters ". The first gathering was a last-minute decision, but despite the short three-day notice, nearly a hundred people attended.

crash course religion

With events in 17 different cities, they met Nerdfighters at local libraries and community centers. During this tour, Green released his first album of Nerdfighter-themed songs, titled So Jokes.

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The Green brothers have been interviewed on PotterCastand have been recurring keynote speakers at the Harry Potter fan convention LeakyCon. The two brothers have come to communicate more more info with each other, and have a larger influence in each other's lives than before the project was initiated.

The brothers talked on the phone once or twice a year before Brotherhood 2. Their video topics vary from explanations of current events, reunion videos, joke videos, rant videos, thoughts from various places, Question Tuesdays, and random topics. As of July 5,they have posted over 1, videos. The channel has more than 3 million subscribers, and their videos have crash course religion watched over , times.

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According to John, the brothers see Crash Course "as an introduction, as a way to get kids excited about learning, not as an attempt to replace traditional classroom materials. The channel was initially hosted by the two brothers, with Hank focusing on the science click the following article and John teaching the humanities courses. The channel has since expanded to welcome new hosts such as Craig BenzinePhil Plaitand Emily Graslie into its roster, and has launched new courses such as Astronomy, Physics, and Philosophy. Crash Course has received praise students crash course religion teachers alike.

Green created the science Crash course religion channel SciShow in Januarywhich, like Crash Coursewas also initially funded by the online video website. Green aims for SciShow 's content to be approachable and to dispel the idea that science is an inherently difficult subject. SciShow is primarily hosted by Green, though it has since expanded with Michael Aranda taking on additional hosting duties, as well as with occasional appearances by Lindsey Doe and Emily Graslie.

A third channel, SciShow Kidspremiered in March It is hosted by Hank Green and Brit Garner who teach about the human brain and aim to provide clear and reputable psychology information. The channel has amassed a large audience, with its videos being regularly featured on several media outlets.

crash course religion

It documents the history of life on Earth, "From the dawn of life in the Archaean Eon It explores the microscopic world, with topics such as bacteriatardigradesand other microorganisms.]

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