First mover argument -

First mover argument Video

Aquinas \u0026 the Cosmological Arguments: Crash Course Philosophy #10

Question interesting: First mover argument

First mover argument 784
WHAT LANGUAGE DO HUTTERITES SPEAK 1 day ago · Is there any other explanation for motion besides an “unmoved mover”? If so, what is it? If not, is Thomas’s conclusion sound? Convincing? (page ) Discuss the cosmological argument. Is Thomas’s reasoning sound or not? Are you comfortable with the possibility that there is no “first cause”? 1 hour ago · The Cosmological argument argues for the existence of God a posteriori based on the apparent order in the universe. For Aristotle, the existence of the universe needs an explanation, a cause, as it could not have come from nothing. Nothing comes from nothing so since there is something, there must have been some other thing that is its first mover. 2 days ago · The summary refers to the full argument of the currently most famous Thomism popularizer Edward Feser in his book "The Last Superstition". mover, and, consequently, no other mover, seeing that subsequent movers move only inasmuch as they are moved by the first mover." And he concludes: "Therefore it is necessary to arrive at a first mover.
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first mover argument

First mover argument - long time

Eager to defend the faith that is so vigorously attacked today, Catholic apologists and evangelists have been recovering these rational demonstrations of the truth of God; and the atheists, just as eager to defend their position, have entered into the fray. In the process, these ancient arguments, long thought by many to be obsolete, have found a new relevance and have been brought to greater clarity through the give and take of both critics and advocates. Things move. Since nothing moves itself, everything that is moved must be moved by another. If that which causes the motion is itself being moved, then it must be moved by another. This process cannot go on to infinity. Therefore, there must exist a first unmoved mover, which all people call God. When Aquinas speaks of motion, he means change of any kind, not simply change of location. first mover argument

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