Freemason initiation video -

Apologise, but: Freemason initiation video

Nixon detente Which Masonic author joined the fraternity at twenty and a half years of age by a special dispensation to fill the secretary station of Hope and Perseverance Lodge No. in Lahore, India? Mark Twain. United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) was founded in and is the oldest masonic Grand Lodge in the world. The site features general information on Freemasonry for those interested in becoming a freemason. The initiation process of becoming a Freemason is quite involved which we’ll delve into shortly. Aluxers, remember to subscribe to our channel for daily, informative videos. 4 Initiation Is Par for the Course. Each lodge has their own interpretation of the initiation process.
Freemason initiation video Man after his own heart
Freemason initiation video “Energy has to go somewhere. If it is blocked from following its natural path, it must manifest as a distortion” The Reason why so many are suffering under the totalitarian imposition of Covid lockdown rules, is because they subconsciously fear the fight for freedom and justice more than they fear serfdom, injury and even death at the hands of a dictatorship operating under the pseudonym. Baphomet was a deity that the Knights Templar were accused of worshipping, and that subsequently was incorporated into occult and mystical traditions. The name Baphomet appeared in trial transcripts for the Inquisition of the Knights Templar starting in It first came into popular English usage in the 19th century during debate and speculation on the reasons for the suppression of the. United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) was founded in and is the oldest masonic Grand Lodge in the world. The site features general information on Freemasonry for those interested in becoming a freemason.
freemason initiation video

Freemason initiation video Video

Mozart: The Magic Flute and Freemasonry (Inside the Music)

It is a cellular expression of a lack of resistance to lies and a lack of appetite for truth. It is an initiation by fire to live by a different set of values than those that have led to the crisis humanity finds itself in today. This is not a film. This is a satanic operation.

freemason initiation video

They are tuned-into the opposite freemason initiation video frequencies from the great majority of reasonable, caring, humane individuals. Now, this presents a very remarkable challenge to all of freemason initiation video. Through raising levels of the light which resides within us, the would-be controllers of humankind cannot harvest the pain they inflict as a fuel for furthering their field of operations. The more advanced the power of spirit, the less can those reliant on satanic energy continue to operate on a vibrational field the Earth which essentially operates within energetic fields based upon light.

The art of deception vkdeo in its power to beguile. The great body of mankind is faced with this demonic and treacherous state of affairs, but will not see it as the masterminded and carefully constructed occult ritual which it is. The turning-point freemasob all this will come when a sufficient number of individuals recognise their own embroilment with the deceivers.


Hence the roll-out of the experimental gene therapy injection now being administered to all who succumb to the fraud. We are coming-up against our own susceptibility to create ghosts and then to believe in them. The chief state controlled surgeons of this process are the mainstream media. Such outfits as the BBC are the dark indoctrination hosts whose historical cache makes freemason initiation video carefully crafted lies seem all the more convincing. This is the script which underlies the current sate of affairs on this planet, and those who follow it are sacrificial lambs of the ensuing metaphorical — continue reading actual — slaughter.

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This is the Age of Truth. The timing is perfect. Mankind stands in front of the mirror of truth and each of us see that it is we who have brought all this about and that it is we who will end it.

freemason initiation video

The light energies of creation are rising and the demons are being forced into the open. It is not a pretty sight. We are witnessing the very darkest contorted manifestations of life, unleashed, chaotic and cruel. That is the price to be paid for decades, possibly millennia, of failures to act according to the iniyiation of the soul. The Divine call to Be who we Freemason initiation video. It is the longevity of this denial that has go here to inner distortions finally actualising and playing-out their orgy of destruction right in our own backyards.

Energy has to freemason initiation video somewhere. If it is blocked from following its natural path, it must manifest as a distortion. This sickness will evaporate like the mist that melts away with the morning sun, once we give-in to truth and cease our love-affair with the lie.

The Creativity and Communications Lodge The Royal Leopold Lodge No 1669

We cannot forever turn away from the freemason initiation video of the light that illuminates good and evil with equal power. We are right on the cusp of a great turning. A deep cleansing of body, mind and spirit. The Covid code is almost cracked. It is a dark phantom conjured into existence by us. They are real enough, these deceptions.

They take the form of actual physical beings playing-out tragi-comic dramas of our own de-spiritualised inner voids — so that we may finally see what these voids look like — face to face.]

freemason initiation video

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