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Karen armstrong youtube

Karen armstrong youtube Video

Karen Armstrong: The Prophet Muhammad's Compassion

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karen armstrong youtube

P rayer can be done anywhere, anytime, with anyone, or with no one.

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Just you…alone in solitude. Jesus often prayed alone. There is a beautiful desert garden I love to visit when the weather is good. This particular morning God met me there. In the span of twenty minutes, He reached down to my solitary place, unraveled my thoughts, and uplifted my heart.

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There is a stone-lined labyrinth in the middle of the garden aemstrong welcomed me to walk the journey. As I entered the circular path, I began to pray to the Lord. Actually, a song began to play in my mind and it became my prayer:. Lord, I give you my heart, I give you my soul, I live for you alone. I focused on the path in front of me, moving slowly as I prayed this song to God. I was in awe of my physical surroundings, the https://digitales.com.au/blog/wp-content/custom/the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-technology-in/non-violent-civil-disobedience.php, the smells, karen armstrong youtube the visible beauty of desert life.


Lost in His presence, the Spirit of the Lord accompanied my every step, making my way around each circle. I paused whenever I felt the warmth of morning sunshine on my face. There I closed my eyes and lifted my toutube toward the sun and thanked God for the moment.

karen armstrong youtube

As I walked in solitude, I heard God speak assurances of His love to my heart:. No one comes to the Father except through me. The one who believes in me, even if he dies, will live.

karen armstrong youtube

Before the fall, Adam and Eve lived in paradise with God — no sin, no shame, no strife — just perfect peace. This was His original plan — to enjoy complete and everlasting relationship with humanity.

karen armstrong youtube

After the fall, paradise was lost and the relationship was sullied, until God Himself came down to His creation to redeem humanity back into fullness of relationship. There is no greater love than this! Actually, a song began to play in my mind and it karen armstrong youtube my prayer: Lord, I give you my heart, I give you my soul, I live for you alone. Go to Top.]

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