Slavery and the making of american capitalism -

Slavery and the making of american capitalism Video

Edward Baptist: The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism

Slavery and the making of american capitalism - entertaining

We are trapped in an ego-centered state of confusion believing in false identities of who we are within this contrived social strata dictated by centralized authorities, which today are namely nation states, banking systems, and corporate conglomerates. Together these authorities conjure an immersive pseudo-reality for the human-animal where it is fooled into believing the agendas of the authority are for their own good and necessary for their survival, Stockholm syndrome essentially is an ego state itself, or an accepted pattern of thought mistaken for absolute truth. In this time of ego many can see nothing else, yet indigenous cultures lived for long periods of time over wide expanses of land in relative peace and were not building standing armies or plotting how to plunder their neighbors. This is why the rich and powerful distance themselves so often from the realities they create. The ego role they have assumed is one of a successful person doing something beneficial, this delusion is easier to maintain if they can avoid receiving sensory input that disrupts their self-aggrandizement fantasy. The illness of ego manifests a buffet of neuroses where unconscious scripts play out running on the well-worn grooves established in the default mode network of the brain, acting as an imperialist, expanding and defending all territory by which it defines itself both psychological and material. In its quest for more ego creates blinders for consciousness that filters out that which is profane to the desires of the ego dream. The seeds of ego delusion are usually planted by people who claim to do so out of love or education. And just about everyone in our society now installs ego identities in children molding the identity of the child to suit the whims of the parent and culture. This is extremely common, and in later years we can all sense the voices of authority from childhood still echoing in our minds, sometimes these voices are benign, but other times they are constricting and later confused as our own thoughts. Slavery and the making of american capitalism slavery and the making of american capitalism

Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit.

slavery and the making of american capitalism

Economistshistorianspolitical economists and sociologists have adopted different perspectives in their analyses of capitalism and have recognized various forms of it in practice. These include laissez-faire or free-market capitalismstate capitalism and welfare capitalism.


Different forms of capitalism feature varying degrees of free marketspublic akerican[8] obstacles to free competition and state-sanctioned social policies. The degree of competition in markets and the role of intervention and regulation as well as the scope of state ownership vary across different models of capitalism. Most of the existing capitalist economies are mixed economies that combine elements of free markets with state intervention and in some cases economic planning. Market economies have existed under many forms of government and in many different times, places and cultures.

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Modern capitalist societies—marked by a universalization of money -based social relationsa consistently large and system-wide class of workers who must work for wages the proletariat and a capitalist class which owns the means of production—developed in Western Europe in a process that led to the Industrial Revolution. Capitalist systems with varying degrees of direct government intervention have since become dominant in the Western world and continue to spread.

Constant economic growth is a characteristic tendency of capitalist economies. Critics of capitalism argue that it concentrates power in the hands of a minority capitalist class that exists through the exploitation of the majority working class and their labor; prioritizes profit over social good, natural resources and the environment; is an engine of inequality, corruption and economic instabilities; and that many are not able to access its purported benefits and freedoms, such as freely investing.

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Supporters argue that it provides better products and innovation through competition, promotes pluralism and decentralization of power, disperses wealth to people who are able to invest in useful enterprises on market demands, allows for a flexible incentive system where efficiency and sustainability are priorities to protect capital, creates strong economic growth, and yields productivity and prosperity that greatly benefit society. The term "capitalist", meaning an owner of capitalappears earlier than the term "capitalism" and dates to the midth century. Capitale emerged in the 12th to 13th centuries to refer to funds, stock of merchandise, sum of money or money carrying interest.

slavery and the making of american capitalism

Benjamin Disraeli used the term in his work Sybil. The initial use of the term "capitalism" in its modern sense is attributed to Louis Blanc in "What I call capitaism that is to say the appropriation of capital by some to the exclusion of others" and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in "Economic and social regime in which capital, the source of income, does not generally belong to those who make it work through their labor".

slavery and the making of american capitalism

Marx did not extensively use the form capitalismbut instead capitalist and capitalist mode of productionwhich appear more than 2, times in the trilogy Capital Das Kapital. In the English languagethe term "capitalism" first appears, according to the Oxford English Dictionary OED americxn, inin the novel The Newcomes by novelist William Makepeace Thackeraywhere the word meant "having ownership of capital".

Capitalism in its modern form can be traced to the emergence of agrarian capitalism and mercantilism in the early Renaissancein city-states like Florence.]

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