War on drugs quotes - digitales.com.au

War on drugs quotes war on drugs quotes

Extrajudicial killings and forced disappearances in the Philippines are illegal executions — unlawful or felonious killings — and forced disappearances in the Philippines.

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Extrajudicial killings are most commonly referred to as "salvaging " in Philippine English. Philippine extrajudicial killings are politically motivated murders committed by government officers, punished by local and international law or convention. They include assassinations; deaths due to strafing or indiscriminate firing; massacre; summary execution is done if the victim becomes passive before the moment of death i. A forced disappearance desaparecidoson the other hand, as form of extrajudicial punishment is perpetrated by government officers, when any of its public officers abducts an individual, to vanish from public view, resulting to murder or plain sequestration.

The victim is first kidnapped, then illegally detained in concentration campsoften tortured, and finally executed and the corpse hidden. In Spanish and Portuguesewar on drugs quotes people" are called desaparecidosa term which specifically refers to the mostly South American victims of state terrorism during the s and the s, testing essay introduction animal particular concerning Operation Condor. In the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance"Enforced disappearance" war on drugs quotes defined in Article 2 of the United Nations Convention Against Torture as "the arrest, detention, abduction or any other form of deprivation of liberty by agents of the State or by persons or groups of persons acting with the authorization, support or acquiescence of the State, followed by drugz refusal to acknowledge the deprivation of liberty or by concealment of the fate or whereabouts of the disappeared person, which place such a person outside the protection of the law.

Even if Philippine Republic Act No. In10, Filipinos won a U. The charges were filed by victims or their surviving relatives for torture, execution and disappearances. Military historian Alfred McCoy in his book "Closer than Brothers: Manhood at the Philippine Military Academy" and in his speech "Dark Legacy" cites 3, extrajudicial killings, 35, torture victims, and 70, incarcerated during the Marcos years. The New People's Army NPA groups known as "Sparrow Units" were active in the mids, killing government officials, police personnel, military members, and crugs else they targeted for elimination.

They were also part of an NPA war on drugs quotes called "Agaw Armas" In for "Stealing Weapons"where they raided government armories druggs well as stealing weapons from slain military and police personnel.

war on drugs quotes

A low level civil war with south MuslimsAl-Qaeda sympathizers and communist insurgents has led to a general break war on drugs quotes of law and order. The Philippines government has promised to curb the killings, but is itself implicated in many of the killings. Since it aimed to establish a Marxist regime with armed rebellion against the government. Human Rights Watch investigated extrajudicial murders in the Philippines in September War on drugs quotes, there is certainly evidence pointing the finger of suspicion at some elements and personalities in the armed forces, in particular General Jovito Palparanas responsible for an undetermined number of killings, by allowing, tolerating, and even encouraging the killings. Because of the inefficacy and insufficiency read article the Philippines Writ of Habeas Corpuson September 25,Chief Justice Reynato Puno signed and released the Writ of Amparo: "This rule will provide the victims of extralegal killings and enforced disappearances the protection they need and the promise of vindication for their rights.

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This rule empowers our courts to issue reliefs that may be granted through judicial orders of protection, production, inspection and other relief to safeguard war on drugs quotes life and liberty The writ of amparo shall hold public authorities, those who took their oath to defend the constitution and enforce our laws, to a high standard of official conduct and hold them accountable to our people. The sovereign Filipino people should be assured that if their right to life and liberty is threatened or violated, they will find vindication in our courts of justice'. Puno explained that war on drugs quotes writ of amparo denies to authorities defense of simple denial, and habeas data can find out what information is held by drugss officer, rectify or even the destroy erroneous data read article. The international groups conducted interviews of various legal sectors from June 15 to June 20, This team is composed of 8 judges and lawyers from Belgium and Netherlandswho had dialogue with Reynato Puno no the probe of killings.

The legislative bodies, House of Representatives and Senateshould also initiate its own actions promptly and without delay. They must enact laws which ensure protection of rights—laws against torture and enforced disappearance and laws to afford adequate legal remedies to victims.

war on drugs quotes

Edcel Lagman. The law is the first law in Asia that makes the crime of enforced disappearance punishable by life imprisonment. The law treats enforced disappearances as a violation of human rights and a crime separate from kidnapping, serious illegal detention, and murder.]

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