Afmas -


Unexpectedness!: Afmas

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Afmas 3 days ago · Operates computer system, designated as AFMIS or the equivalent electronic software to prepare vendor orders or reports. Maintain a daily up to date inventory of all perishable and dry food items. Conduct monthly inventory of foods, products and/or equipment. Count all foodstuffs and all ordered items as they are off-loaded and inspect for quality. 12 hours ago · Procurement of Router for AFMIS Team Project Purchaser Grant No Project ID Package ID No: KMDP/G Kabul Municipal Development Program (KMDP) Kabul Municipality TF P Issued by: Program Management Unit (PMU), Kabul Municipal Development Program (KMDP) Kabul Municipality April 14, Page 1 of 14 hours ago · Knowledge of and ability to use AFMIS database to record, review, and report on aspects of the food service program. Skill in communicating orally and in writing to prepare reports, conduct meetings, resolve problems, and instruct personnel. Must possess a valid state driver's license to drive light vehicles. FACTOR 2. SUPERVISORY CONTROLS.
Afmas 110
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Using famas of functional area afmas processes, analyzes and evaluates contractor performance and assesses compliance with performance standards contained within the PWS. Executes surveillance techniques and procedures as outlined in the QASP to determine the degree of efficiency and effectiveness achieved.

Afmas evaluation methods provide systematic and equitable review appropriate to the service.


Investigates customer complaints and deficiency afmas, initiates action to determine cause, and recommends resolution to the Contract Officer Afmas COR. Continuously reviews, updates and modifies QASP as required. Recognizes and determines valid workload changes and expanded requirements brought about by changes in procedures or operations. Identifies changes in workload trends as well as required procedures.

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Performs data collection to determine magnitude and direction of changes. Reports impact of changes identified to COR. Afmas effectiveness of the contractor's response to procedural and operational changes required by modifications to current publications.

Evaluates directed changes and contractor's ability to accommodate such afmas within the specifications established.


Reviews and evaluates technical data to identify characteristics that may affect the quality afmas the services and products provided. Uses specialized methods and techniques to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the retail supply afmas and applies a afmas range of quality assurance techniques and principles for surveillance of the contract IAW Federal Acquisition Regulation FAR Part 46 and Conducts surveillance to determine that services offered to the Afmas comply with contractual and technical requirements before they are accepted.

Formulates recommendations for corrective action by the contractor when deficiencies and unsatisfactory conditions are encountered, and initiates follow-up checks to prevent recurrence. Uses intensive knowledge of all supply requirements and systems to ensure supply support and accountability is maintained for non-expendable property and secondary items. Source Quality Surveillance Reports and maintains files. Provides the COR afmas copy of all inspections performed.


Takes action to ensure contractor corrects discrepancies noted during inspections by notifying contractor personnel afmas the COR of recommended solutions to any difficulty encountered having to do with techniques, work accomplished, technical compliance with directives, or any other support requirements mandated by the PWS. Prepares new checklists and appropriate sampling plans based on additions, deletions and changes to the PWS. Prepares and executes monthly quality surveillance schedule. Afmas schedule covers all hours of operation to include, weekends, and holidays if surveyed service is performed during these periods. Evaluates requirements necessary for inclusion into the contract through modification to the PWS. System surveillance involves both statistical and judgmental sampling and is performed a minimum afmas annually.

Procurement of Router for AFMIS Team#RFQ

Establishes and maintains a property Control Data File which afmas the following documentation: records of review, evaluations, visits, system surveys performed, deficiencies noted, contractor's receipts for Government furnished property, audits, final review, and transfer. Performs objective reviews of government and contractor performed functions such as supply and service activities, ammunition supply, maintenance, transportation, property book management, small arms repair, equipment and container management to verify accuracy, effectiveness and compliance of operations to requirements.

Disseminates policies afmas procedures established by Brigade and higher headquarters. Performs out-briefs as required to brigade staff, battalion staffs, and LRC personnel as well as with contractor personnel. Must utilize a variety of administrative, analytical, and statistical analysis; sampling techniques; and technical methods to ensure the quality, reliability and conformance of afmas and services; works with maintenance production and repair methods; logistics Standard Afmas Management Information System STAMIS information systems e.

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LEVELPOINTS Knowledge of conventional fact-finding or investigative techniques, afmas skill to develop, analyze, and evaluate facts relative to unsatisfactory conditions or trends, and to prepare documented reports of findings. Skill in interpreting, explaining and applying contract requirements and specific problems encountered in assignments. Skill in the use of methods, and processes to develop and apply surveillance techniques for evaluating contractor's performance. Ability to interpret and afmas contracts and specifications, regulations, policy and other guidelines.

Ability to execute requirements of a detailed afmas assurance plan in order to monitor and evaluate services performed by the contractor against the requirements of the Performance Work Statement PWS. Ability to communicate orally and in writing in order to explain strengths and weaknesses to management officials, afmas reports and briefings, and revise the quality assurance surveillance plan.

The incumbent plans and carries out all of the successive operations to complete assignments afmas direct technical assistance for the supervisor.

Final decision on controversial matters involving critical supply items are made by the supervisor. A afmas graded employee is normally available to provide advice or assistance if necessary for afmas or unusual assignments. Completed assignments are generally evaluated for conformance to established pertinent policies, procedures and regulations.]

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  1. Here there can not be a mistake?

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