Apollo 11 essay - digitales.com.au

Apollo 11 essay apollo 11 essay

The AGC provided computation and electronic interfaces for guidance, navigation, and control of the spacecraft. The AGC has a bit word length, with 15 data bits and one parity bit.

apollo 11 essay

Astronauts manually flew Project Gemini with control sticksbut computers flew most of Project Apollo except briefly during lunar landings. Laning Jr. They were connected via wire apolloand the wiring was then embedded in cast epoxy plastic.

The computer had link of erasable magnetic-core memory and 36 kilowords [ clarification needed ] of read-only core rope memory.

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The CPU -internal bit word link was 14 bits of data, one overflow bit, and one sign bit ones' complement representation. It has an array of indicator lights, numeric displays, and a calculator apollo 11 essay keyboard.

Commands were entered numerically, as two-digit numbers: Verband Noun. Verb described the type of action to be performed and Noun specified which data were affected by the action specified by the Verb command.

apollo 11 essay

Each digit was displayed via a green high-voltage electroluminescent seven-segment display ; these were driven apollo 11 essay electromechanical relayslimiting the update rate. Three five-digit signed numbers could also be displayed in octal or decimaland were typically used to display vectors such as space craft attitude or a required velocity change delta-V. Although data was stored internally in metric unitsthey were displayed as United States customary units. This calculator-style interface was the first of its kind. The command module has two DSKYs connected to its AGC: one located on the main instrument panel and a second located in the lower equipment bay near a sextant used for aligning the inertial guidance platform.

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The AGC timing reference came from a 2. The clock was divided by two to produce a four-phase 1. The 1. The master frequency was further divided through a scalerapollo 11 essay by five using a ring counter to produce a apol,o This was then divided by two through 17 successive stages called F1 The F10 stage Hz was fed back into the AGC to increment the real-time clock and other involuntary counters using Pinc discussed below.

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The F17 stage was used to intermittently run the AGC when it was operating in the standby mode. The AGC had four bit registers for general computational use, called the central registers :. There were also four locations in core memory, at addressesdubbed editing locations because whatever was stored there would emerge shifted or rotated by one bit position, except apollo 11 essay one that shifted right seven bit positions, to extract one of the seven-bit interpretive op.

The instruction format used 3 bits for opcodeand 12 bits for address. The first eight, called basic instructionswere directly accessed by the 3-bit op.

apollo 11 essay

The final three were denoted as extracode instructions because they were accessed by performing a special type of TC instruction called EXTEND immediately before the instruction. Instructions were implemented in groups of 12 steps, called timing pulses.

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The timing pulses were named TP1 through TP Each set of 12 timing pulses was called an instruction subsequence. Simple instructions, such as TC, executed in a single subsequence of 12 pulses. More complex instructions required several subsequences.]

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