Collectivist worldview -

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Monday, July 22, This explains so much! This explains so much! I recall seeing a cartoon awhile back showing the puppet Ernie from Sesame Street at the doctor's office. Ernie and his doctor were viewing Ernie's x-ray, which showed a giant hand in Ernie's torso. Yes, and the National Journal's recent report showing where Obama administration officials went to college also explains a lot. Among prominent officials in the Obama administration, more received a graduate degree from Oxford University the one in England than any American public university. More Obama officials got their undergraduate degrees from Harvard than any other university. Forty percent of the Obama administrators got undergraduate degrees from Ivy League schools. And if you added the one ones who went to other elite schools--Georgetown, University of Chicago, Williams, etc--I am sure we would find that more than half of them went to exclusive private colleges.

Collectivist worldview Video

Individualism: Is it a good or bad thing? - A-Z of ISMs Episode 9 - BBC Ideas collectivist worldview Collectivist worldview

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Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts.

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Everyone gets these things confused with love, but in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. Love is the only thing in this world that does not hurt.

collectivist worldview

Sam Barker: I suppose the classical idea of what making music is about has a lot collectivist worldview do with the sort of western collectivist worldview of individualism and about self-expression. I just was feeling super disillusioned with all of that. Around that time, or 15, I was also reading a lot about social media, reading about behavioral science, trying to figure what was going on in this arena and how people are being pushed in different directions this algorithmic system of worlview distribution.

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That kind of got me into this sort of behavioral science collectivist worldview of things, like the addictive part of the variable-ratio reward schedule with likes. Coolectivist was kind of getting me into reading about behavioral science and cognitive science. It was giving me a lot of clarity, but not much more sort of inspiration.

collectivist worldview

It was basically like music. Dance music especially is a sort of complex behavioral science.

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You do this and people do collectivist worldview. I sort of imagine the DJ as a sort Skinner box operator pulling puppet strings and making people behave in different ways. The whole thing felt super pushy and not a very inspiring conclusion.

collectivist worldview

Looking at the problem from a cognitive science point of view is just the framework that helped me to understand what the problem was in the first place, so this kind of problem of being manipulative. Behavioral science is kind of collectivist worldview what we can make people do. Cognitive psychology is sort of figuring out collectivist worldview people do that.

That was my entry point into cognitive psychology, and that was kind of the basis for Debiasing. Getting to the bottom of what tricks were, I suppose, with dance music. I kind of understood collechivist, but I just wanted to figure out why things worked. I sort of came to the conclusion it was to do with a collection of biases we have, like the confirmation bias, and the illusion of truth effect, and the mere exposure effect.]

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