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The staff shall be appointed by the Secretary-General under regulations established by the General Assembly. The Security Council shall duly take account of failure to comply with such provisional measures. A state which is not a Member of the United Nations may bring to the attention of the Security Council or of the General Assembly any dispute to which it is a party if it accepts in advance, for the purposes of the dispute, the obligations of pacific settlement provided in the present Charter. The General Assembly may establish such subsidiary organs as it deems necessary for the performance of its functions. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.


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A theme is a universal idea, lesson, or message explored throughout a work of literature. Essay key characteristic of literary themes is their universality, which is to say that themes are ideas that not only apply Literary the specific Essay and events of a book or play, but also express broader truths about eDfinition experience that readers can apply to their own lives. For instance, John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath about a family Literary tenant farmers who are Definition from their land in Oklahoma Literzry a book whose themes might be said to include the inhumanity of capi. There are no fixed rules for writing a commentary, but a general structure will be suggested. You should always PLAN your commentary before you start writing it, following these guidelines where appropriate.


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Sex between teenagers. Bad language. Discussion - sexual assault via potions Author Notes: Canon before the story begins, diverges from the beginning Betas: chaneleblanc and Seren Word Count: Summary: Dumbledore made a catastrophic error when he was raising Harry as his pawn.


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During the 18th dynasty, Egypt experienced a radical shift in religion, politics, and art under the reign of the pharaoh Akhenaten. He is therefore credited for introducing a quasi-monotheistic system in Egypt, although many argue that Akhenaten acknowledged all gods but only actively worshipped Aten. Arguably the most famous mask to date is King Tutankhamun. Along with the mask there were many treasures within his four burial chambers.


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In this unit we shall examine the courts in the hierarchy of courts in Nigeria starting from the highest. Which establishes the court, and prescribes the bulk of its jurisdiction and the method for the appointment and dismissal of judges. The Supreme Court Act. The Supreme Court rules made by the court. The number of Justices of the Supreme Court had been increased from the former limit of 10 to 19 the Chief Justice of Nigeria shall be appointed by the President on the recommendation of the national Judicial Service Commission subject to confirmation by the Senate.


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Far from the Madding Crowd is the first of Thomas Hardy's great novels, and the first to sound the tragic note for which his fiction is best remembered. It has since become one of the most popular books of English literature, with its rich rhythms of rural life, beautiful and independent heroine, and romantic intrigue. Auteur: Thomas Hardy.


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Cinema , television, radio, theater and even songs, cartoons, paintings, sculptures, architectural works and all cultural but also communication environments or objects can be used, are used and will be used for the purpose of shaping public opinion. Access to information is one of fundamental rights. It is a constitutional right to have both access to information as well as to have freedom of expression, that includes not only thanking, but more so to express and spread… Can it be a power, or weakness.


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By Daniel D'Addario. This is a tricky balance to strike onscreen. The show, from its premise, sets itself up as a story of the people taking on the powerful, but tends to trip up over the most basic elaborations of its main idea. This invocation of what may be the most impressive and dazzling display of scientific ingenuity of the young century to make the case that corporations are not all bad feels random, the product of a desire to avoid alienating anyone at all.


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Because choosing not to buy a Coke on the rare occasion I buy a soda anymore is an easy one. While words certainly have power, nothing has more power than action. This incident sparked an enormous controversy which has yet to die down. And yet, millions of people made the same effortless decision I did.


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JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Professor Kloss introduces the course and outlines its content. His goal is to encourage viewers to develop habits that will enhance their enjoyment of art.


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Diversi What is cultural diversity. Diversity is nothing more than a difference from the majority. In any culture there is a majority and many minorities. Culture is a set of norms that set standards for a society of what is acceptable behavior.


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I promised myself always to publish my books on an actual loss on the cost of production - never to accept a farthing for any form of instruction, giving advice, or any other service whose performance depended on my magical attainments. I regarded myself as having sacrificed my career and my fortune for initiation, and that the reward was so stupendous that it made the price pitifully mean, save that, like the widow's mite, it was all I had. I was therefore the wealthiest man in the world, and the least I could do was to bestow the inestimable treasure upon my poverty-stricken fellow men. I made it also a point of absolute honour never to commit myself to any statement that I could not prove in the same sense as a chemist can prove the law of combining weights.


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The Star Chamber Latin : Camera stellata was an English court which sat at the royal Palace of Westminster , from the late 15th century to the midth century c. The Star Chamber was originally established to ensure the fair enforcement of laws against socially and politically prominent people so powerful that ordinary courts might hesitate to convict them of their crimes. However, it became synonymous with social and political oppression through the arbitrary use and abuse of the power it wielded.


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We discussed in Chapter 1 that although research can be exploratory, descriptive, or explanatory, most scientific research tend to be of the explanatory type in that they search for potential explanations of observed natural or social phenomena. Explanations require development of concepts or generalizable properties or characteristics associated with objects, events, or people. Knowingly or unknowingly, we use different kinds of concepts in our everyday conversations. Some of these concepts have been developed over time through our shared language. Sometimes, we borrow concepts from other disciplines or languages to explain a phenomenon of interest.


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Read the article below and Argue against allowing women to join the Armies either or both Union and Confederate. Explain why women should NOT be allowed to join and why. Use evidence to support your statements. This is NOT an opinion argument but rather, should be based on how society perceived women and their role in society at the time. Women found that the war changed their lives just as dramatically, though they usually escaped persecution for protesting against war measures.


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Advantages and disadvantages of a constitutional monarchy

The attributes which make any type of government unique are its characteristics. Constitutional Monarchy characteristics are peculiar. As a government form, some characteristics of constitutional monarchyare benefits and some are not. These benefits are helpful for the development of any nation whereas the demerits of constitutional monarchy can hamper its functioning. These disadvantages have to be overcome for any nation to run efficiently.
