The concept bureaucracy refers to -

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Bureaucracy and Democracy the concept bureaucracy refers to The concept bureaucracy refers to

A state is a polity under a system of governance with a monopoly on force.

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There is no undisputed definition of a state. Some states are sovereign known as sovereign stateswhile link are subject to external sovereignty or hegemonywherein supreme authority lies in another state. In a federal unionthe term "state" is sometimes used to refer to the federated polities that make up the federation. In international lawsuch entities are not considered states, which is a term that relates only to the national entity, commonly referred to as the country or nation. Most of the human population has bureauctacy within a state system for millennia ; however, the concept bureaucracy refers to most of prehistory people lived in stateless societies.

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The first states arose about 5, years ago in conjunction with rapid growth of citiesinvention of writing and codification of new forms of religion. Over time, a variety of different forms developed, employing a variety of justifications for their existence such as divine rightthe theory of the social contractetc.

Today, the modern nation state is the predominant form of state to which people are subject. The English noun state in the generic sense "condition, circumstances" predates the political sense. The concept bureaucracy refers to is introduced to Middle English c. With the revival of the Roman law in 14th-century Europe, the term came to refer to the legal standing of persons such as the various " estates of the realm " — noble, common, and clericaland in particular the special status of the king. The highest estates, generally those with the most wealth and social rank, were those that held power. The word also had associations with Roman ideas dating back to Cicero about the " status rei publicae ", the "condition of public matters". In time, the word lost its reference to particular social groups and became associated with the legal order of the entire society and the apparatus of its enforcement.

the concept bureaucracy refers to

The early 16th-century works of Machiavelli especially The Prince played a central role in popularizing the use of the word "state" in something similar to its modern sense. The North American colonies were called "states" as early as the s. There is no academic consensus the most appropriate definition of the state.

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Means-related definitions include those by Max Weber and Charles Tilly, both of whom define the state according to its violent means. For Weber, the state "is a human community that successfully claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory" Politics as a Vocationwhile Tilly characterizes them as "coercion-wielding organisations" Coercion, Capital, and European States. Ends-related definitions emphasis instead the teleological aims and purposes of the state.

Marxist thought regards the ends of the state as being rerers perpetuation of class domination in favour of the ruling class which, under the capitalist mode of production, is the bourgeoisie. The state exists to defend the ruling class's claims bureaucraacy private property and its capturing of surplus profits at the expense of the proletariat. Indeed, Marx claimed that "the executive of the modern state is nothing but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie" Communist Manifesto. Liberal click provides another possible teleology of the state.

On this account, the state provides the basis for social cohesion and productivity, creating incentives for wealth creation by providing guarantees of protection for one's life, liberty and personal property.

the concept bureaucracy refers to

Provision of public goods is considered by some such as Adam Smith [12] as a central function of the state, since these goods would otherwise be underprovided. The most commonly used definition is Max Weber 's, [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] which describes the state as a compulsory political organization with a centralized government that maintains a monopoly of the legitimate use of force within a the concept bureaucracy refers to territory.

Another commonly accepted definition of the state is the one given at the Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States in It provides that "[t]he state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: a a permanent population; b a defined territory; c government; and d capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary the concept bureaucracy refers to, a state is " a. Confounding the definition problem is that "state" and "government" are often used as synonyms in common conversation and even some academic discourse. According to this definition schema, the states are nonphysical persons of international lawgovernments are organizations of people.]

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