Arsenic and old lace theme -

Arsenic and old lace theme - matchless

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Arsenic and old lace theme Video

Creepy old Music box - \

The skits used nine fairy tales. There were also the lesser known tales of Iron Hans and the Frog Prince. The last tale was Briar Rose, a.


Sleeping Beauty. The programs were tastefully done with cream-colored paper.

arsenic and old lace theme

The skit scenarios were witty mock movie descriptions, complete with ratings. The program's cover, and also flyer for the production, was Gothic; though it served well for the programs, it was somewhat visually ineffective as a flyer. The music for the production was varied. The performance began with a jazzy song. The rest of the music spanned from Michael Jackson to Kate Bush.

arsenic and old lace theme

The title song to "Sanford and Son" was included. The ten performers served as both set and scenery, their bodies function as gates, wells, gardens and towers. The only physical set piece was a large toy box, containing nad. The performers simply wore street clothes as since the main costume emphasis was the use of masks, which were worn by most of the main characters.

arsenic and old lace theme

The masks, done by Dan Princewere dramatic and quirky. The Rumpelstiltskin mask seemed like a demented Mickey Mouse.

Performance Reviews

Cinderella had a Wheel of Fortune hat attachment. Hansel and Gretel appropriately had candy-shaped masks; a lifesaver for Gretel and a wrapped hard candy for Hansel. Iron Hans' nose was blatantly phallic. The skits were framed by a narrator who was also the Anne Sexton character.

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Generally, the skits were highly sexually charged. Homosexual themes underscored both the Iron Hans and Rapunzel skits. Arsrnic Briar Rose skit had an incest focus. All the skits satirized both passive, silly female role models and "Handsome Prince" roles in traditional fairy tales.

They also showed the more dark and violent roots of fairy tales. The performance itself was engaging. It was often funny and very wry. There was heavy usage of read article scenes. Much of the movement bordered on acrobatics, requiring tumbling and difficult, almost awkward poses. Many of the poses were very sexual. Actors writhed and gyrated throughout much of the performance. There was more than a dash of pop culture evident in the production.]

One thought on “Arsenic and old lace theme

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