Capital punishment in the old testament -

Capital punishment in the old testament

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Remarkable, rather: Capital punishment in the old testament

SOCIALISM VS CAPITALISM REDDIT 7 hours ago · Everlasting Punishment. April May 2, from the Golden Text and several mentions of God as a rock appear in the Old Testament. Jonah would have heard rumors of Nineveh. For most of the seventh century bc, it was the capital city of Assyria, a country whose kings had conquered all of Israel and most of Judah and laid siege to. 21 hours ago · Religion and Capital Punishment Name Institution Religion and Capital Punishment The personal decisions made on a daily basis in one’s occupational field not only affect an individual’s present and future undertakings, but they also have a major impact on the existence of . Punishment, commonly, is the imposition of an undesirable or unpleasant outcome upon a group or individual, meted out by an authority —in contexts ranging from child discipline to criminal law—as a response and deterrent to a particular action or behavior that is deemed undesirable or unacceptable. It is, however, possible to distinguish between various different understandings of what.
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capital punishment in the old testament

Apart from the personal principles and values which dictate these choices, other external forces are influential in such situations. Some of these chief factors are the religious aspects upheld by an individual or the community. Nonetheless, owing to the differences in these religious principles and values within a community, decisions guided by certain beliefs may result in conflicts. This explains why some employees experience religious discrimination in an organizational setting.

For example, a profession within the local, national, or international law enforcement departments may require an individual to make his or her decisions based on certain religious beliefs upheld by the society.

capital punishment in the old testament

To start with, Christianity prohibits murder under any circumstance. This is in accordance with the section of the Ten Commandments stipulated in the Old Testament of the Bible. Accordingly, most adherents of this religious conviction justify the rules adopted by law enforcement agencies in various countries regarding murder by using this Biblical requirement. Administrative organs in these countries have stringent policies aimed at punishing people charged with murder.

Reasons for Capital Punishment

One of the common measures regarding the castigation of such crimes is the capital penalty. Nonetheless, some administrative agencies and law enforcement officers do not agree with this punishment concept. This is mainly due to the conflict involving the value of human life and the religious beliefs related to such matters. A large number of government personnel, members of the public and private sectors, and see more general population view the death penalty as a contradiction of the basic principles of the law, especially in line with the religious beliefs upheld by the community. This is because most religions offer no exceptions for the rule that condemns murder.

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Based on this argument, capital punishment is a direct violation of the capital punishment in the old testament values promoted by such religions as Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism. Subsequently, the law enforcement agencies are in no position to direct the extermination of criminals charged with such transgressions as murder, robbery with violence, or rape.

Moreover, most religious convictions advocate for forgiveness as a way of promoting unity in the community. Nonetheless, some individuals within this professional field use certain scenarios governing the ancient proceedings in various religious convictions to justify the death penalty. For example, in Christianity, the Bible states that people receive a similar judgment to the measure they use to condemn others. Based on this argument, officers within various local, national, or international bureaus mandated to enforce the stipulated rules and offer pnishment in the society may use this Biblical verse to make decisions regarding the capital punishment.

capital punishment in the old testament

According to their personal principles and understanding of this religious belief, criminals charged with or other unjust activities ought to undergo unfair treatment such as the death penalty as a way of offering them a fair judgment with reference to their actions.

All these arguments are in line with certain scenarios within the Bible. For this reason, similar to other religions, followers of Christianity doctrines use different Biblical verses to justify their stands on the matter.

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Members of the law enforcement agencies use similar decisive factors to make decisions regarding similar situations. Accordingly, individuals who support such ancient laws are bound to make decisions that favor capital punishment. Moreover, the Old Testament has various verses, which are in favor of the death penalty. Subsequently, a large of individuals in influential positions in terms of enactment and implementation of rules regarding the death penalty may use such stipulations to justify their position or actions. This section of the Bible has numerous scenarios indicating such crimes as idolatry, murder, and blasphemy.

capital punishment in the old testament

The main punishment mode used in these settings is murder mainly by stoning. This justifies the death penalty. Similar to the Old Testament, some people still believe that people engaging in such crimes do not deserve to live in the community since it will only destroy its moral fiber.]

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