Critical issues in law enforcement -

Critical issues in law enforcement

Critical issues in law enforcement Video


Critical issues in law enforcement - think, that

History[ edit ] Robert Peel 's ideas are sometimes considered a precursor to modern community policing. The term "community policing" came into use in the late 20th century, [13] and then only as a response to a preceding philosophy of police organization. Johnson appointed a Blue Ribbon committee to study the apparent distrust of the police by many community members, especially along racial lines. The resulting report, the President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice suggested developing a new type of police officer who would act as a community liaison and work to build bridges between law enforcement and minority populations. Community-oriented policing was promoted by the Clinton Administration. This era was also saw the development of such programs as the broken windows theory and problem-oriented policing. critical issues in law enforcement

Sample by My Essay Writer The job of a police officer is extremely important to protecting the safety of citizens.

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However, with so many challenges able to arise from the daily operations of the police, many critical issues make this issuues function in society riddled with complications. For example, the nature of the job itself is extremely dangerous, as it requires police to deal with hostile criminals on a regular basis.

critical issues in law enforcement

Despite the many challenges that come along with being a police officer, the role is vitally important to preserving the safety of the general public. Dangers of Policing Police officers are exposed to a massive amount of devastation every day they are on the job. This is caused by hostile behavior towards them, witnessing death, and by see many of enfircement harsh realities that come critical issues in law enforcement with crime. In fact, police officers are among the most stressed out people on the planet. A study conducted over five years by a University at Buffalo researcher, came to the conclusion that the long-term mental and physical health effects on police officers are caused by the nature of their work.

The Buffalo Police Department were the test subjects in the study.

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The research revealed that the officers at the department reported increased suicide, sleeplessness, cancer and obesity. When comparing the officers to the general public, 25 percent had metabolic syndrome, while Police were also four to six times more likely to have sleeping issues than the general working public. The suicide rate among police officers who criitical still in the force was eight times higher than those who had retired, Goldbaum, This shows that the role of the police officer requires them to be able to overcome many of the challenges that they face on a daily basis. Perhaps the most difficult task in being a police officer is the many difficulties that are faced when stepping into the line of duty. Less-Than-Lethal Critical issues in law enforcement When discussing less-than-lethal weapons, it is important to make the distinction between less-than-lethal and non-lethal weapons.

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It should be noted that weapons that are less-than-lethal only decrease the likelihood that the weapon will kill someone if it is used. The TASER is likely the most notable one of these weapons, and it has been used to varying degrees of success.

critical issues in law enforcement

Some people call the weapon cruel and unusual, while others say it is using efficient force. According to researcher Elise Pineda from the University of Idaho, each officer to whom she spoke said the weapon was much safer than other options, Laughlin, n. Technology used in Policing Police officers must consistently stay on top of the many isues to technology that are occurring every day. If they let the criminals get ahead of them, it could be chaos.

Digital evidence in the video age: Vendors' views on the big issues

Technology is often used in many white-collar crimes, but that is not an exclusive application. In fact, technology is used to increase the success rate of virtually any type of crime. Police are not only tasked with knowing the critical issues in law enforcement ways technology can be used to commit crimes, isxues they can also use technology to better protect the public. Issues of Homeland Security and Law Enforcement Relationships Various issues arise in the relationship between homeland security and law enforcement, and it often provides a further challenge to the police force as officers attempt to execute their daily duties.

Surveillance and intelligence is one of the most important components of the relationship between the two parties, and it is one that can cause a huge burden for police officers. Many differences exist between the military model and the police model when combating terrorism.]

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