Differences between catholicism and protestantism - digitales.com.au

Differences between catholicism and protestantism

Differences between catholicism and protestantism - what here

Posted by: thedesertrat1 Date: April 13, PM. I have an ongoing question. Article 8: We believe the bible to be the word of God so far as it is translated correctly. We also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. I can accept that they believe that! In order that I better understand, what parts of the Bible are not translated correctly? Re: I have an ongoing question. Nobody wants to propose an answer? differences between catholicism and protestantism

However, both churches have significant differences with each other and even greater differences with evangelical churches. Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem all fell to Muslim conquest in the early s, leaving Constantinople and Rome as the two main leaders of Christianitywith a rivalry between the Patriarch of Constantinople and the Pope of Rome. The Eastern church Constantinople and the Western church Rome disagreed on doctrinal issues. Rome said unleavened bread like Passover bread must be used for communion, but the East used candide analysis bread to represent the risen Christ.

They disputed changes to the wording of the Nicene Creed and whether protestantisj should be unmarried and celibate.

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This dissension and rivalry led to the Pope of Rome excommunicating the Patriarch of Constantinople, followed by the Patriarch promptly excommunicating the Pope. Most people belonging to the Eastern Orthodox churches live in eastern Europe, Russia, the Middle East, and northern Africa, with million baptized members. They are divided into regional groups patriarchateswhich are either autocephalous — having their own leader, or autonomous — self-governing. They all share the same basic doctrine. The Oriental Orthodox Church is separate from the Eastern Orthodox Church due to theological differences, although they have much in common.

Germany and the church

The Eastern Orthodox church does not have one authority like the Roman Pope who has governing power over them. Each regional group has its own bishop and holy synod, which provides administrative leadership and preserves the practices and traditions of the Orthodox Church. Each bishop is equal in authority with bishops differences between catholicism and protestantism other synods territories. The Orthodox church is like a confederacy of regional groups without a central ruling person or organization. The Roman Catholic church has 1. The church also has a large presence in Asia and Australia. The Roman Catholic church has a worldwide hierarchywith the pope in Rome as differences between catholicism and protestantism supreme leader. Under the pope is the College of Cardinals, who advise the pope and elect a new pope whenever the current one dies.

Next are archbishops who govern regions around the world, and under them are local bishops who are over the parish priests in each community. The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople is the bishop of Constantinople, equal to all the other bishops in the Orthodox Church but given the honorific title of primus inter pares first xenophobia quotes equals.

Roman Catholics consider the Bishop of Rome Pope as having Papal Primacy — all the cardinals, archbishops, and bishops give him respect as the supreme authority in church government and doctrine. Catholic and Orthodox churches believe salvation is a process.

Roman Catholics believe salvation begins with baptism usually in infancy, by pouring or sprinkling water on the head and continues by cooperating with grace through faith, good works, and receiving the sacraments of the church especially confirmation at around age eight, confession of sins and penance, and Holy Eucharist or communion.

differences between catholicism and protestantism

Eastern Orthodox believe that salvation comes when a person entirely conforms his will and actions with God. The ultimate goal is to achieve theosis — conformity and eifferences with God. The Eastern Orthodox Church believes water baptism immersing three times in water is a precondition for salvation. Infants are baptized to cleanse them from sin inherited from their parents and to give them spiritual rebirth.

differences between catholicism and protestantism

As with Catholics, the Orthodox church believes salvation comes through faith plus works. Water baptism of small children begins the journey of salvation.

differences between catholicism and protestantism

This became known as The Filioque Controversy. In Latin, filioque means child, so the controversy was whether the Jesus was an originator of the Holy Spirit.

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This distinction between the nature of God and His energies is fundamental to the Orthodox concept of grace. Orthodox believe grace is the very energies differences between catholicism and protestantism God Himself. Grace can work upon a person not baptized in the Orthodox church, as well as within a person who is baptized link the Orthodox church. Grace heals of sin and sanctifies. Grace unites us to Christ in active love. However, grace can be resisted because of free will. Sanctifying grace is permanent unless a Catholic willfully and knowingly commits a mortal sin and loses their adopted sonship.]

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