Malala essay -

Malala essay - think, what

Once she recovered from being shot in the head in , Malala made the decision to continue her battle in making sure every girl has the opportunity to go to school. In order to do this Malala and her father created the Malala Fund which is an organization that is committed to providing every girl the option of a 12 year education in order to obtain whatever they may want out of life. Supports Malala encountered many supports that assisted her in being the activist and community organizer she is today. One support that she refers to a lot is her father. When the Taliban took over Mingora and outlawed girls going to school, Ziauddin encouraged Malala advocate and to let her voice be heard even though it put Malala in danger UN News, With the support of her staff Malala is able to reach more countries and in turn help more girls. Barriers Regarding barriers Malala has encountered them physically and organizationally.

Malala essay - congratulate, your

Malala Argumentative Essay Words3 Pages Unable to let the majority remain silent and allow inequity to continue, Malala decided to become the voice for those that were too afraid to stand up for themselves through her speeches, interviews, and novel. At the beginning, Malala did not understand whether the government was assisting the people or saving themselves from disaster and neglecting their duties as government officials. When forced to leave her beloved hometown, Malala could clearly see her destined path. When we were IDPs I …show more content… Allowing a child to attend school without fear of being attacked on the streets or encountering a suicide bomber would need to begin at a small leap. Malala did not want to end a bloody and long war with violence because that was how it began. She hoped that by opening the doors for the young children of Pakistan to become educated this would slowly diminish the existence of the Taliban because they would lose support. An educated person will not step aside while their dreams and aspirations are being pushed aside by someone that does not think the same way they do. malala essay

The Taliban did not like this.

malala essay

They threatened to kill her multiple times. Malala never stopped speaking, and this made the Taliban even more mad.

malala essay

On October 9,Malala was on her way home from school. Although the trip home was short, her parents felt it was safer to take the bus.

malala essay

One of the bullets hit Malala in her head. People all around the world prayed for her recovery.

More about Malala Argumentative Essay

After months of surgeries and intensive care, Malala malala essay. Many people wondered if she would ever be the same. And out of that silence came thousands of voices. The terrorists thought they would change my aims and stop my ambitions.


But nothing changed in malzla life except this: weakness, fear and hopelessness malala essay. Strength, power and courage was born. Malala still speaks out, she has written several books, and she started the Malala Fund to help all children get an education. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers. You can order our professional work here.]

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