Robber barons or captains of industry were businessmen who -

Robber barons or captains of industry were businessmen who robber barons or captains of industry were businessmen who

A wide debate throughout history has been whether or not to consider post-Civil War capitalists as Captains of Industry or Robber Barons.

robber barons or captains of industry were businessmen who

Many things lead the latter description to be the more accurate. These industrials leaders, such as Carnegie and Vanderbilt, often mistreated their workers, undermined their fellow citizens and showed little empathy. There was much mistreatment in the workplace, even after the rise of labor unions in the late s. In many different industries, there were instances of child labor, unsanitary conditions, and workers being underpaid. Coal miners were also greeted with similar issues, and many of them click underaged.

In the photo, it is clear that many of them are far too young to be working. Still, they fought for a better standard of living, due to having to sit in caotains ventilated areas all day, among other things.

The Second Industrial Revolution

Industry tycoons also had tendency to undermine their counterparts. The wealth gap grew as industrialization increased, leading to the less fortunate becoming dependent on the wealthy.

robber barons or captains of industry were businessmen who

Businessmen tended to turn a blind eye to those struggling to get basic necessities. This led to them believing that the rich were wiser, and better at making decisions for the poor. This kind of manipulation paints them as Robber Barons.

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Big industry leaders at the time also showed very little empathy, as can be seen in the previous paragraphs. Most were not link charitable, despite having large amounts of money.

For instance, Vanderbilt built a large summer cottage when many people, including his own workers, were struggling with basic needs. Barons also used predatory practices to form monopolies, and to eliminate their competition. Vanderbilt and many others built up money by buying out other companies and cutting out the middleman. It is quite evident that bussinessmen War capitalists fit the description of Robber Barons more so than that of Captains of Bisinessmen. They were corrupt in their ways, despite bringing quite a few good things to the nation. We will send an essay sample to you in 2 Hours. If you need help faster you can always use our custom writing service. Did you like this example? Having doubts about how to write your paper correctly?

robber barons or captains of industry were businessmen who

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