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The forever war quotes

The forever war quotes Video

A Critical Look: The Forever War (Titan Comics Release) the forever war quotes the forever war quotes

I appreciated his understanding of the sacrifices made by American service members in combat there. Along with my skilled crews, including cameramen Mal James and Pierre Zakrzewski, we hiked with them through dangerous mountain and rode along with them in Humvees on rough trails along the deadly borderlands between Afghanistan and Pakistan. We dropped onto mountaintops from helicopters in the perilous Kunar Valley.

These brave Americans, mostly young people, have faced the worst of the threatening challenges.

And endured degree heat in dusty isolated outposts in the Helmand region. All while being shot at by an unrelenting foe. These brave Americans, mostly young people, have faced the worst of the threatening challenges. And indeed did, in the end, counter the terror threat there. Biden is right. After all this time, the soldiers remaining there deserve to come home.

About the author

When the Taliban was running things. Women were oppressed and girls prevented from going to school. Free expression was stomped on and justice rough and fast. We had our own run-ins with the Taliban. Like the time we tried to do "undercover" man-on-the-street interviews in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar about how the government was running things. We were found out very quickly and nearly run out of forevdr.

the forever war quotes

They run portions of the country now. And when the U. That Taliban 2. That they would have to reflect gains made in society and reach out to at least some outside countries, which could moderate their behavior.

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But that is not a done deal. And what new security risks might arise again for the United Torever. Which brings to mind other trips I have made for Fox, covering U. Tens of thousands of Americans still posted in South Korea, long after the active fighting there has ended. And Germany, with even more time between any real combat there and present day. Stationed in these far-flung places — just for insurance and peace of mind.]

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