The human relations approach -

The human relations approach

The human relations approach - are

Organizational theory and public management. Australia: Thomson Wadsworth. Or is it just a scientific approach to industrial problems? Please use McNair, Mills and Koivisto to support your answer. We are a professional custom writing website. If you have searched a question and bumped into our website just know you are in the right place to get help in your coursework. We have posted over our previous orders to display our experience. Since we have done this question before, we can also do it for you. To make sure we do it perfectly, please fill our Order Form. Filling the order form correctly will assist our team in referencing, specifications and future communication. the human relations approach

A human relation is the relationship between human resources of the organization. It incorporates management-employees, employees-employees relationship. Human resource is one of the important assets of an organization. Hence, healthy human relations lead to increased productivity and efficiency.

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It also plays aoproach role in growth and success of the organization. The approach of human relations deals with the psychological variables of organisational functioning in order to increase the efficiency of organisations. It is the process of integration of man-to-man and man-to-organisations. Learn about:- 1. Meaning and Definitions of Human Relations 2. Brief History of Human Relations 3. Fundamental Concepts 4. Scope 5. Importance 6.

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Approaches 7. Contributions 8.

the human relations approach

Limitations 9. Suggestions to Improve. As a the human relations approach of fact, human relations is the art of getting along with people either as individuals or as a group. Good human relations are an effective instrument to motivate the personnel towards the achievement of individual as well as organisational goals.

It is perhaps for this reason that W. Effective human relations depend on fulfilment of economic, social and psychological wants. From the point of realtions of management, human relations is motivating people in organisations to develop teamwork spirit in order to fulfil their needs and to achieve organisational goals efficiently and economically.

the human relations approach

The management can obtain their cooperation through the human relations approach. Modern read article realise this fact very well that a business organisation is a complex form of human relations and certain social variables. It studies those positive aspects which invoke positive response in work behaviour. In the s and s, observers of business management began to feel the incompleteness and the human relations approach in the scientific as well as administrative management movements. The scientific management movement analysed the activities of workers whereas administrative management writers focused attention on the activities of managers. The importance of the man behind the machine, the importance of individual as well as group relationships in the workplace was never recognised.

The human relations theory also called neo-classical theory tried to compensate for the deficiencies in classical theory scientific management and administrative management modifying it with insights from behavioural sciences like psychology, sociology and anthropology.

the human relations approach

This theory gained popularity after the famous studies of human behaviour in work situations conducted at the Western Electric Company from to The Hawthorne researchers began with illumination experiments with various groups of workers. This experiment involved prolonged observation of two groups of employees making telephone relays.

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The intensity of light under which the human relations approach group was systematically varied test group while the light was held constant control group for the second group. The productivity of hujan test group increased each time the intensity of the light increased. However, productivity also increased in the control group which received no added light. In a new set of experiments, a small group of workers were placed in a separate room and a number of things were changed; wages were increased rest periods of varying length were introduced; the workday and workweek were shortened. The researchers, who now acted as friendly supervisors, allowed the group to choose their own rest periods and to have a say in other suggested changes.]

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