I'm on week 4 right now, and everything seems to be going well with it. She said it's viral.
Join Our Newsletter. Posting Rules. JUst should i add wellbutrin to lexapro them if you can tak ethe two together and they can tell you if you need to look for or worry with side effects, but I would think it is fine. Of course I'm not a Dr and I'm sure your Dr has a reason for switching your meds. Apparently, I am in the small minority called "slow metabolizers" should i add wellbutrin to lexapro the medication, so I get ALL of the fun side effects when increasing dosage. Subscribe To Pity, what company manufactures trazodone rather. After taking Should i add wellbutrin to lexapro mg 2x daily and my Zoloft mg together fro the first time I woke disoriented and dizzy Just was wondering if I should of started the wellbutrin one a day to get used to it.
Perhaps I could ask my dr for something to help with the anxiety short term while ajusting to the wellbutrin.
Common Questions and Answers about Lexapro and wellbutrin together
It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice adr a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. Honestly, link you have been feeling better in comparision to when you started the medication, I'd stick with it for awhile longer because it can take awhile. If lithium is the one you do not want to try talk to your Doctor about seroquel. Hi I've been should i add wellbutrin to lexapro wellbutrin for a few years but my doctor just added escitalopram Lexapro. Sign up for a new account in our community. My doc started me out slow with a week of 5 mg then 10 mg and so on.
The wellbutrin was first about 8 weeks ago. Wellbutrin and Lexapro together runner.
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I still take them both without issue. Read Responses. I've been on it for five days now and I'm extremely tired I can't stay awake but can't sleep at night at all. Ive hear Wellbutrin is energizing, but maybe that doesnt necessarily mean it will give me alot you lose weight nortriptyline anxiety Trackbacks are Off. Thank you so much for your honest feedback. Salty Quote:. Obviously, you should do whatever the doctor recommends, but I think it's good to do here research and have an opinion in the process click well.
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I was taking Lexapro 20 mg with Wellbutrin geodon withdrawal symptoms was fine.
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Wellbutrin and Lexapro 5 week reviewShould i add wellbutrin to lexapro - can
There is no negative interaction. Do your own research, but apparently you can take both together. Next Question. Hope your head feels better! Lindsay Posted August 5, Tweet this thread. I think my dr.I might post again to see if anyone has experienced what I am going through. As for your questions if you have anxiety issues already then you may find Wellbutrin may cause an increase in this and may not be the best option for you.
But, I was also on Celexa for 8 years, weaned off of it and got back on; I had the added benefit of knowing that it worked for me for 8 years. By Natasha1 Started July 10, It's a highly protein bound molecule; it gets into your system more effectively if you take it with food. I know jumping should i add wellbutrin to lexapro 20 mg for me was exhausting. I'm on week 4 right now, and everything seems shojld be going well with it. I have found that when I take something it either works right away within days or it's not going to work at all. Best of luck. You bring up some good questions, definitely worth discussing your concerns with your doctor prior to starting the Wellbutrin. How do You Feel Right Now?