Uses of theories -

Uses of theories

Uses of theories - that would

No kidding. No one else can see your post. And so on and so forth. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Administrators at West Point are embracing the radical cultural Marxists polices that have swept American college campuses by storm, according to documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. Only then will we be successful in competing with the civilian sector for the highest quality recruits. Reblogged this on boudica. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. uses of theories.

Uses of theories Video

Time Dilation - Einstein's Theory Of Relativity Explained!

We can pick up a spoon accurately in an instant without thinking. It just happens. It could take a lifetime to write an algorithm for this and yet we just do it. Therapy and healing are more complex still.

uses of theories

No description can fully convey what is happening. Attempts to formulate, brand and commercialse therapies is like trying to patent, bottle and sell the wind.

Generally theories of therapy and personality repackage cultural assumptions around one or two key concepts. Convincing stories shaped to accommodate the conventions of the day. They usually wind up being applied beyond the workable limits of article source original intentions and assumptions theroies let us lose sight of the complexities of the real world in uses of theories maze of over-generalised concepts. Psychological theories can obscure more than they reveal. Some are interesting and even informative but generally as much a hindrance as a help. In practice each person and each situation requires its own theory and methodology. Even if they seem like dogma, hype and window dressing and the methods seem like religious liturgy they do provide legitimacy, a vocabulary, and an excuse to be together.

We have to start somewhere.

Therapies are effective more because of our biology and culture than their theoretical foundations. Their most powerful components are the knowledge and strategies contained in our shared biology, language and culture used routinely day to day — mostly unawares. In practice every therapy is local.

uses of theories

Even if imports a name or a theory it depends on a local culture, a neighbourhood, a room and a relationship between the particular people working together in a session. A therapy depends on our abilities to understand ourselves and others inherited from family and community. We go here on millennia of knowledge embedded in our culture and millions of years of evolution hard wired into our species.

Each of us develops these into more a sophisticated understanding than the most elaborate theory. Therapies exist more in their practice and practitioners than in the words that describe them. I have learnt more from being with other practitioners than studying their methods or theoretical uses of theories. Protocols can be dis-empowering sues if they are out of touch with the realities of the consulting room. Even skilled therapists can get uses of theories by them.

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Although they can be useful guides many are irrelevant, time consuming and even dangerous if followed slavishly. Theories and religions come and go. Ultimately we are the only ones who can can have our thoughts and feelings and do what we do. A theory can't do it for us. Rituals, protocols, gurus and experts provide authority, principles rawls two and directions but in the end the work comes from oneself. The mistakes, doubts, satisfaction, achievement and all the rest are our own. Whatever a therapist's values or school of thought, whoever their teacher or guru, eventually they have to evaluate what they have been told for themselves, work out what is going on and make decisions about it all. Having said all that, like many of us, Uses of theories collect theories and methods to see if they work.

If they are promising I look for ways to allow similar transactions to evolve in my sessions. There are useful ideas in most theoretical frameworks and its easy to imagine uses of theories bringing them to life. Any method can be made to work.

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Human nature usss wins through and we connect and communicate whatever the distractions uses of theories the framework. People have such diverse strategies to deal with their experiences and get around in their worlds but t hey are not essential so I have not bothered with them here. Maybe it's a bit early for a theory of personality. Perhaps we don't know enough yet.]

One thought on “Uses of theories

  1. And other variant is?

  2. It is not meaningful.

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