Borderline personality disorder promiscuity -

Borderline personality disorder promiscuity borderline personality disorder promiscuity

Personality disorders are mental health conditions characterized by lasting, rigid, and dysfunctional patterns of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.

borderline personality disorder promiscuity

One of the most prevalent personality disorders in clinical populations is called borderline personality disorder BPD. People with BPD are impulsive, have a shaky sense of self, experience strong mood swings, and have unstable relationships. In this article, we discuss the characteristics of BPD and its development.

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Let us begin with its diagnostic criteria. The diagnostic criteria for a borderline personality disorder are outlined in the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM To receive a diagnosis, one must meet five or more of the criteria listed below.

borderline personality disorder promiscuity

Patients with BPD also have a tendency to undo the progress they have made just when a goal is within reach. For instance, they might repeatedly call in sick just when they are about to get promoted at work.


Indeed, interruptions in work, relationships, and education are common in these individuals. BPD is more common in individuals who are younger, single and have lower education and income. Borderline personality disorder often develops during adolescence and early adulthood. Biological factors may play a role in the development of BPD. As the DSM-5 notes, compared to the general population, the biological relatives of people with BPD are five times more likely to have this condition.

Diagnosing Borderline Personality Disorder

But this disorder does not develop in all biologically vulnerable individuals, so environmental factors also matter. Specifically, if an emotionally sensitive child has his or her needs met regularly, and has an early family environment that is warm and nurturing, the person may never develop the disorder. In reality, the family environments patients with BPD recall were anything but. To illustrate, as children, when they expressed a negative emotion e. Often they were ignored or directly invalidated—contradicted e.]

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