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Buddist founder

Buddhism in Thailand is largely of the Theravada school, which is followed by 95 percent of the population. Buddhism in Thailand has also become integrated with folk religion as well as Chinese religions from the large Thai Chinese population. Buddhism is believed to have come to what is now Thailand as early as BCE [ citation needed ] , in the time of Indian Emperor Ashoka.


A contemplation upon flowers

He begins with a word painting that contains contrasted examples of both forms of the beautiful, and this is followed by an explanation of the principles of Vital Beauty: I have already noticed the example of very pure and high typical beauty which is to be found in the lines and gradations of unsullied snow: if, passing to the edge of a sheet of it, upon the Lower Alps, early in May, we find, as we are nearly sure to find, two or three little round openings pierced in it, and through these emergent, a slender, pensive, fragile flower, whose small, dark purple, fringed bell hangs down and shudders over the icy cleft that it has cloven, as if partly wondering at its own recent grave, and partly dying of very fatigue after its hard-won victory; we shall be, or we ought to be, moved by a totally different impression of loveliness from that which we receive among the dead ice and the idle clouds. There is now uttered to us a call for sympathy, now offered to us an image of moral purpose and achievement, which, however unconscious or senseless the creature may indeed be that so seems to call, cannot be heard without affection, nor contemplated without worship, by any of us whose heart is rightly tuned, or whose mind is clearly and surely sighted. Throughout the whole of the organic creation every being in a perfect state exhibits certain appearances or evidences of happiness; and is in its nature, its desires, its modes of nourishment, habitation, and death, illustrative or expressive of certain moral dispositions or principles. Now, first, in the keenness of the sympathy which we feel in the happiness, real or apparent, of all organic beings, and which, as we shall presently see, invariably prompts us, from the joy we have in it, to look upon those as most lovely which are most happy; and, secondly, in the justness of the moral sense which rightly reads the lesson they are all intended to teach. If one relates both forms of beauty to Ruskin's metaphysics and religion, it will be seen that although both Typical and Vital Beauty are affected by Ruskin's religious beliefs at the time he was writing Modern Painters, Volume II, the connection between Vital Beauty and God is not as clear as Ruskin obviously believed it to be.


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Inevitability of fate

The pose is a little wonky and he seems a little short. The coloring is a bit off as well, as you have a bright light source behind and around him, but it has no real effect on the placement of light within the artwork, nor does it cause any discoloration on Tsung of the rest of the image, except the airbrushing at his feet. The writing in the first paragraph is awful, no offense to Chrome, and features a few typos and, worst of all, colorful and flowery language that seems completely out of place. I can make it 10x clearer in 5 secs. Here: "Can you even begin imagine being so close to immortality, yet have it stolen from you.


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Look at the directions and background documents posted for the Farming Fuel lab on Canvas. Summarize the descriptions for corn, miscanthus, native grassland, switchgrass 1 paragraph each. Based on the descriptions you read and additional research , speculate the advantages and disadvantages for farmers to plant each of these on their fields. This write-up should be about 2 - 2. Quality Homework Help is a professional writing service that provides original papers.


Movies that portray mental illness in a negative way

Often negative stereotypes are created and the people suffering from schizophrenia are believed to have undesirable or uncontrollable characteristics. The portrayal of this disorder in the movie has drawn different opinions. Although some clarity and stability come with the diagnosis, Nash and his family reel from the side effects of treatment. The same has been observed in the case of letting out apartments to people with a history of schizophrenia. But she realized the problem when she went to his college to find out what he used to do during work and found magazine clippings pasted all over the room.


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Gatsby is contemptible yet admirable, empty yet profound-for that is the dangerous, difficult, illusory nature The dreams, and none more Gatsby than the American dream. In shapi. Irony great gatsby papers. Home create quizzes college essay writing higher Great. None of expository essay daisy symbolism in the best day three strikes law Gatsby thesis the great gatsby quotes.


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Lev Vygotsky's process of children cognitively developing by having a higher-skilled person give them help at the beginning and slowly withdrawing help as the child's learning progresses is [ Scaffolding. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. There are no new answers. There are no comments. Add an answer or comment.


Shakespeares greatest soliloquies

Webb - a serial that could go on forever if Mr Webb wishes to keep writing it, or passes it on to another writer. The Duke of Gloucester, one of the main protagonists of the play, has two sons, Edmund and Edgar. Edmund grows up used to being referred to as a bastard. Edmund is offended by the constant focus on his legal status as an illegitimate son. He takes a humanist view and questions why, when he is just as strong and handsome, educated, intelligent and talented as his brother, he should be excluded from all the benefits that their father can bestow.


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Either your web browser doesn't support Javascript or it is currently turned off. In the latter case, please turn on Javascript support in your web browser and reload this page. Pregnancy is a unique time when many mothers gain awareness of their lifestyle and its impacts on the fetus. Different studies have thus far proposed maternal health monitoring systems.


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Noi Plot. Max Keeble's Big Move is one of those movies that you totally forgot existed, but now that I've mentioned it you remember every single word to MacGoogles's theme song. Zazu Mrs.


Diplomatic approach

We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. But when foreign policy rides on emotional currents and succumbs to gimmicky temptations, wise and subtle statecraft is relegated to the background. But with Joe Biden now president, talks that began this month in Vienna provide the main global powers with a diplomatic opportunity to salvage the pact. Since then , Iran has progressively increased the purity of its uranium enrichment, expanded its enriched-uranium stockpile fold, and hindered international inspections of its nuclear facilities.


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On Humour is a fascinating, beautifully written and funny book on what humour can tell us about being human. Simon Critchley skilfully probes some of the most perennial but least understood aspects of humour, such as our tendency to laugh at animals and our bodies, why we mock death with comedy and why we think it's funny when people act like machines. He also looks at the darker side of humour, as rife in sexism and racism and argues that it is important for reminding us of people we would rather not be. This book addresses the question 'What is humour.


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A diaper is a form of underwear that enables the wearer to urinate or defecate without utilizing a toilet. It is made up of synthetic disposable materials or cloth. Cloth diapers consist of several layers of fabrics such as hemp, cotton and bamboo and are washable and reusable.


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Georg Branch in Hamburg. His short life was shaped by the rise of fascism in Germany. The Nazis changed nearly every aspect of everyday life for Germans, and Helmut was no exception. He had been a devoted Boy Scout, but he was forced to become part of the Hitler Youth, when the Nazis banned the Boy scouts organization in Helmut did not feel comfortable with this and quit the Hitler youth in ,aged He was disturbed by participation of the Hitler Youth in Kristallnacht. In at a sauna in Altona , he met new friends, some were members of an illegal Young Communist Group.


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Published: April 18, Updated: April 18, Inter-bank cheque settlement and electronic fund transfer system of Bangladesh Bank resumed on Sunday morning after five days of suspension. According to official sources at the BB, one of the two servers, one located at the central bank and another at Bangladesh Bank Training Academy in Mirpur, went out of action disrupting the electronic fund transfer inter-bank cheque settlement. Technicians of both BB and BTCL were working to resolve the problem and finally, they became successful in adressing the glitch. Official sources said the glitch took place following an order from the central bank to stop the operation of the system during the all-out lockdown.


Founder of windows

On April 4, , at a time when most Americans used typewriters, childhood friends Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Microsoft, a company that makes computer software. Originally based in Albuquerque, New Mexico , Microsoft relocated to Washington State in and eventually grew into a major multinational technology corporation. Gates and Allen started Microsoft-originally called Micro-Soft, for microprocessors and software-in order to produce software for the Altair , an early personal computer. Allen quit his job as a programmer in Boston and Gates left Harvard University, where he was a student, to focus on their new company, which was based in Albuquerque because the city was home to electronics firm MITS, maker of the Altair Afterward, other computer companies started licensing MS-DOS, which had no graphical interface and required users to type in commands in order to open a program. In , Microsoft released a new operating system, Windows, with a graphical user interface that included drop-down menus, scroll bars and other features.


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It's a fascinating thought to consider. What exactly did the Sun look like, centuries ago. What would we see, if astronomers back in the time of Kepler and Galileo had modern technology monitoring the Sun across the electromagnetic spectrum , available to them. Thanks to modern artificial intelligence, there may be a way to actually 'see' just what state the Sun was in, way back in those days of yore. A recent study, titled "Generation of Modern Satellite Data from Galileo Sunspot Drawings in by Deep Learning" out February in the Astrophysical Journal of the American Astronomical Society used an innovative set of deductions to compare sketches of sunspots with modern views from ground and space-based observations.


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It provides a glimpse of the whole elephant, to use a term based on the Hindu metaphor of the blind men and the elephant. It contains widely diverse answers to ten defining questions about spiritual maturity. These questions include: the characteristics of spiritual maturity, the relationship to psychological and moral maturity and to social action and the culture, stages to and which organizations support attainment, alone or in community, how to support others on the path, and where you are. The answers are given by thirty spiritual leaders--not leaders of the national or academic variety, but leaders of the shoe leather variety: clergymen--Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and New Age; university professors and a psychotherapist; monks and sisters; a Native American; followers of Islam, Hindu, and Buddhist practices; members of Step programs and a human development trainer; an African-American Sufi and black Baptist deacon. It is spiritual maturity made accessible to everyone.


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The pandemic has been bad for business, but it hasn't necessarily been bad for U. These outcomes ran counter to estimates made during the year, but a new analysis from researchers at NC State and the University of Texas at Dallas reveals one possible explanation. The researchers specifically point to a combination of progressive income tax rates and COVID restrictions as the reasons and explain how these factors could increase tax revenue-at the expense of greater income inequality.


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He was born July 12, b. He was a Praetor, Aedile, Consul, Pontifex Maximus, and dictator for life, and his greatest achievement is changing the Roman republic to the Roman empire. His life ended tragically when he was stabbed twenty three times by his political enemies.


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We were calling on the President to act swiftly to heal our Mother Earth from the climate crisis, from the plagues that modern Pharaohs - Big Oil, Big Coal, Unnatural Gas -- have brought upon us. Earlier, in a circle of 70 people in the midst of Pennsylvania Avenue , we had just completed a religious service. Rabbi David Shneyer had blown the shofar of warning and liberation; we had heard the Muslim call to prayer from the Quran, an invocation of the Four Winds in the spiritual tradition of the First Nations, and a Christian prayer.


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Marx v. Capitalism saw the emergence after the feudal system of Western Europe can do a halt. Many economists, even today, dispute the simple beginnings of capitalism. Some theories range from religious reasons, such as the rise of Protestant Reformation in the s, to the enclosure.


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